
Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Search the internet or your library for information on the proportions of the human face. You will find a ton of information, but each source seems to say something different. This is video 1 in a series of videos which will make you less confused about the proportions of the human face. You will be less confused, because I will give you proof that a lot of the formulas that you learned for portrait drawing were wrong. At the end of this video, I will give you a new formula to help you draw the human face from memory.

In this experiment, I have taken the most common formulas for facial proportion and tested them on a group of people in a similar pose. I used a computer program to help me take accurate measurements. I made sure that my control group was comprised of both males and females and were of many different races.

So lets get started with a very common proportion rule. The question is- Is it one eye length between each eye? The answer, as you can see, is yes. But this was the only rule that I found to be universally correct.

Lets stick with the eyes for question 2. It is often stated that it is five eye lengths across the face. It turns out that for 9 of the 10 people that I tested, that rule is incorrect. I found that if you included the width of the ear on to the face, then that rule would be closer to true, but definitely not universal. Of the control group, only one person, had a fit, so we can conclude that this proportion does exist, but it does not fit the majority of people and thus, shouldn't be part of a drawing formula.

I recently saw on the internet that the outer corners of the nose, should line up with the inner corners of the eye. Only one of 10 people that I tested proved that proportion to be true. There were also two people who came close. Once again, we can conclude that this proportion does exist, but it does not fit the majority of people and thus, shouldn't be part of a drawing formula. Most often, the outer nose lined up where the tear ducts met the white of the eye. For the record, I hope that the lady in the bottom left never catches a cold.

Question four asks: Does the pupil and iris line up with the corners of the mouth when the face is calm? I will warn you that this was the most difficult to answer, because the mouth is the most variable feature of the face. The shape slightly differs from person to person and it moves a lot. I found that only two people had eyes and mouths which lined up, but, everybody except the gentleman on the top left was extremely close. So, despite the results, I would include this measurement for a general face proportion formula, but I would also be sure to observe the person who I am drawing to get my answer. It is also important to note that 8 of the 10 peoples mouths fit between the lines drawn down from the middle of each eye.

Since question five is related to the placement of the ears, I changed a few of the photos in the control group. In order to gauge this, I had to be able to see the ears clearly. Most portrait formulas state that the ears go from the top of the eye to the bottom of the nose. This turned out to be a pretty accurate statement. Question six is directly related to question five and asks whether the nose and the ears are generally the same size. Although there were only two exact measurements, every other person was very close in measurement. So we can conclude that it is Accurate to say that the ear generally goes between the upper eye and the bottom of the nose and is very close in height to the nose.

Now lets test the most common and controversial face proportion question.....Are the eyes at the exact half way point of the head? You will find top results on the search engines stating that this is the case. I once had a teacher who insisted this and took off points on any student who disagreed with him.....If he only did his homework! The eyes are NOT at the center of the head. The actual middle of the head is just below the orbits of each eye. There was only one person whose eyes were measured as the center of their head, and of course it was MacAulay Culkin.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Tonight we dine in Hell. If you are up for the challenge, I will teach you how to draw a very angry greek man who likes to kick people in to bottomless pits.
It doesnt matter if you are new to drawing the more you sweat here , the less you'll bleed in battle. Just follow my step by step instructions... and remember...No retreat, no surrender. Our pencils will block out the sun...Then we shall draw in the shade.

Merrill.....um this is Madness


Be sure to pause the video at the end of each step.

Step 1: Draw in the Beard Shape. Be sure to notice that it is slightly asymetrical.
Step 2: Draw in the shape for the hair. Notice that the shapes from steps 1 and 2 are equal in height.
Step 3: Draw in the ovals for the eye sockets and the ear shape
Step 4: Add the shape for his clothing. This shape does not have to be perfect but notice that it is slightly wider at the neck.
Step 5: is a difficult step. The sword shape is slightly taller than the head and it points away from the body and towards the left upper corner of the page. The fingers will be heavily shaded later so it is more important that you focus on the shape of the hand. Take extra time on this step.
Step 6: Add some light lines to define the chest and left arm. Do not press hard, just hint at their existence, they will be shaded heavily later. Add an arrow going through Leonidas' chest......
Step 7: Take your time and add the detail to Leonidas' face. Take extra time to observe the placement of the teeth and the eyes. In order to get a likeness this is an important step to conquer. Gerard Butler

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This video will teach you how to draw the Golden Gate Bridge in perspective. Please be sure to rate and comment! Your feedback helps!

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Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

Art Supplies I Use in my Art Work- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

YouTube Visual Arts Category Petition: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Want to draw Abraham Lincoln? This video will give you step by step instruction so that you can draw Abe......Honestly!!!!!

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Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

Art Supplies I Use in my Art Work- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

YouTube Visual Arts Category Petition: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/index.php?part=fineart&articles_id=5980&collection=114 Today, YOU are going to draw Kobe Bryant. It doesn't matter if you have prior art training or not. This video will break the process down in to simple steps so that anyone can do it. Grab a pencil and paper and let me show you what I mean. Remember to pause the video when you need to. Here we go.
Step 1: Draw an oval shape for Kobe's head. Notice that the bottom of the oval looks like an upside down trapezoid while the top of the oval shape is rounded.
Step 2: Make four horizontal lines. The top line MUST intersect the midway point of the oval shape. The lowest line should be placed at the bottom of the chin. After drawing the top and bottom lines, add two EVENLY SPACED lines between the top and bottom line. At the end of step two, you should have THREE evenly spaced segments between the top and bottom lines (refer to the picture).
Step 3: Observe the six dots that I added. The top four map out the corners of Kobe's eyes, while the bottom two map out the corners of his mouth. Lets look at their relationship. Notice that these dots are leaning towards the right side of the oval. This is due to the fact that Kobe's head is slightly turned. Also, take a second to notice the distance in between the two eyes is equal to one eye length. Finally, notice that the middle part of the space designated for each eye, will line up with the outer corners of the mouth. Now, draw in the six dots.
Step 4: Draw in the eyes....The upper eyelid as a rainbow shape and the bottom lid is close to a straight line. Notice that the iris is partially blocked by the upper eyelid.
Step 5: Encapsulate the eye in the oval shape that I just added.

Step 6: In this step, make the bottom of the nose by drawing three connected, upside down arches. Do not worry about the bridge of the nose yet. After you make the bottom of the nose, draw the shape for the upper lip...... The upper lip looks like a squished McDonalds logo (picture the golden arches squished).

Step 7: Add the bottom lip. It is similar to a banana shape. Notice that the bottom lip is thicker than the top lip. Now that we have the eyes and part of the mouth done, take a second to notice the perfect square that is formed when you connect the points from the middle of the eye and the corners of the mouth. Make adjustments if you do not have this perfect square.
Step 8: Draw in the two shapes between the eyes and nose. Like the bottom lip, these shapes are very similar to banana shapes. They will help us shade the nose later.
Step 9: Now add in the ears. Due to the fact that Kobe's head is turned; it appears that his left ear is smaller than his right. This, of course is not the case, but draw what you see.
Step 10: Draw in the lines, stemming from the chin, as well as Kobe's dimple lines.
Step 11: Draw in Kobe's hairline. Again, due to the turn of his head, you will see more hair on the right side.
Step 12: Erase the construction lines
Now, I will show you how to shade your drawing. Don't worry, this too, will be easy! You have three options to learn shading. Option one- click the link in the video description to go to a webpage that I made for this video..... on my website, merrillk.com. You will see a series of 17 steps with picture references and words. You will also see a free downloadable resource that you can print. Option two is to watch a shading demonstration in the second part of this video; and option three is a separate video; where I will demonstrate how I shaded Kobe at a slower pace. Please take advantage of all of these options. I am confident that they will help. Special thanks to Rico Shen for use of his photograph via Creative Commons. http://commons.wikimedia.org/w....iki/File:NikeTaipeiF

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This is a step by step tutorial on how to draw Spiderman

Subscribe to kazanjianm (Don't miss any new videos that I make)- http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use

Supplies I use- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

YouTube Visual Arts Category Petition: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Video intro by Tergnats - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJbr43x7bhI

Book Recommendations to draw from your mind-
Ron Tiner - Figure Drawing Without A Model
Andrew Loomis - Creative Illustration
Andrew Loomis - Drawing the Head and Hands
Andrew Loomis - Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
Andrew Loomis - Fun with a Pencil
Andrew Loomis - Successful Drawing
Andrew Loomis - The Eye of the Painter
George B. Bridgman - Constructive Anatomy
George B. Bridgman - The Human Machine

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=12733&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=188

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Men can sometimes struggle with words.

Little Old Man: Are you a parking ticket?
Little Old Lady: (What?)
Little Old Man: Because, you got fine written all over you.

Fortunately, Merrill is here to help. Imagery can replace words and today, I am going to teach you how to make a drawing that you could give to your crush or your significant other. All you will need is paper, a pencil and some romantic incentive and I will take care of the rest.

It has been said that a picture is worth 1000 words, so you probably don't want to mess up this drawing. Don't worry. You won't. Hit the link in the video description. The link will take you to my guide with photos and text, which will make this drawing as easy as possible.

Little Old Man: Baby, you are like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems

Little Old Lady: (Slap)
Little Old Man: I'm not a player I just crush a lot.

Step 1: Draw an oval and two tree stump shapes.
Step 2: Draw the fist shape. Be sure to notice its placement within the oval shape.
Step 3: Draw the shape that I just added. Notice that it looks like a cartoon face from profile view. Also notice that a part of this shape goes outside the oval shape.
Step 4: Add the upside down rainbow shape, between the two shapes from the previous steps.
Step 5: Add the fingernails.
Step 6: Add the lines between the fingers.
Step 7: Erase the egg shape.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=462 Bruno Mars
WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Drawing Tutorial- Howto draw Bruno Mars Step by Step. Today, if you feel like doing something, I am going to teach you how to draw Bruno Mars. Don't just lay in your bed, kick up your feet and stare at a fan. Thats just silly talk. Artists have to remain occupied or else we wind up moving to the South of France to chop off our ears. So I recommend that you get out of your snuggie and grab a pencil and some paper. While you are at it, hit the link in the video description. The link will take you to my guide with photos and text, which accompanies this video. It will make drawing Bruno Mars a lot less difficult. Oh and if you wanted to see someone dougie, here you go.
Step 1: Draw the two shapes that you see. I recommend that you start out in the lower right corner.
Step 2: Draw in the neck shape. Try to match the width and the height of this shape as closely as you can.
Step 3: Draw in the other shoulder.
Step 4: Draw in a bowl shape for the bottom of his head.
Step 5: Add the top of the head. Notice that it is significantly larger than the bowl shape at the bottom of the head. Do your best to observe and draw the contour line as accurately as possible.
Step 6: Add the triangular shape to the side of the head.
Step 7: Add the ear shape. Notice that its origin is at the line which runs accross the bowl shape.
Step 8: This is the trickiest step. Draw the shapes that I just added. This tip will help. It is a similar distance from the eyebrow to the bottom of the nose, as it is from the eyebrow to the hairline.
Step 9: Draw in the shape for Bruno's left eye socket.
Step 10 Draw in the shape for Bruno's left eye and eyebrow. Notice the placement of both of these shapes within the eye socket shape.
Step 11: Complete the nose shape
Step 12: Add Bruno's hat. Look closely and see that his hat is basically a banana shape and a trapezoid.
Step 13: Add Bruno Mars upper lip.
Step 14: Add Bruno Mars bottom lip.

songs, grenade, just the way you are, lyrics count on me, new song, girlfriend, marry you, doo wops and hooligans, she got me, click clack away, the lazy song, somewhere in brooklyn, lighters, our first time, live, concert, acoustic, unplugged, talking to the moon, liquor store blues, the other side,

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This video will give you step by step "Lin"struction on how to draw New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin. All you need is a sharp"lin"ed pencil and some paper. Just follow my easy steps and I will "Lin"hance your artistic abilities and "Lin"able you to draw a portrait of the Knicks "Lin"famous point guard, who is currently living a "Lin"derella story. Whats that you say? You shoot free throws like Shaquille O'neal and you make stick figures look fat when you draw? Oh thats silly talk! Dont worry! This is a team effort.

Let me say this in your "Lin"go because I dont want to be mis"lin"terpreted. This will be as easy as playing "Lin"tendo. Drawing is part of every persons basic "Lin"stincts. It is natural to draw and it is a "lin"stigated effort to learn your letters. We are going to turn back the clock and re"lin"vent your artistic vocabulary.

What? Are you not "Lin"tertained? Put down your Egg McMuff"lin" and grab a pencil. Lets begin!

Step 1: Draw the two shapes that you see. Be sure to notice the angle of the V shape. Notice that the right side of the V is slightly higher than the left side.
Step 2: Add the five shapes that I just added. Be sure to notice their scale and how they overlap the shapes from step 1.
Step 3: Add one more finger to the shape from step 2.
Step 4: Add the tall U shape. Notice its angle and observe that it is slightly taller than the shape from step 1.
Step 5: Add the shapes around the U shape.
Step 6: Point guards need fingers. Give Linsanity some fingers.
Step 7: Give the man a jersey! The Jersey is about 3 times as tall as the shape from step 1.
Step 8: Add his other arm.
Step 9: Now its time to letter his Jersey. Just remember that the New York is at armpit level. And the number 1 is under the New and the 7 is under the York. If you want to challenge yourself, try to leave a white outline around the letters.
Step 10: Make an oval for the head. If you want to make him a bobble head make a large oval. Either way, try to keep the same height versus width proportions as mine. Notice that I added three lines. The head can be split up in four somewhat equal sections; 1.) chin to bottom of nose 2.) bottom of nose to eyebrows 3.) eyebrows to hairline ....and 4.) hair. Notice that the only section that was slightly longer on Jeremy Lin was from bottom of nose to chin. The other three sections fit that formula perfectly. The hair might seem shorter, but that is because I am going to extend it when I shade his hair.
Step 11: Add the two shapes for the orbits of each eye. Notice their scale compared to the head shape and notice that that they are situated towards your right.
Step 12: Add the hairline.
Step 13: Add the nose.
Step 14: Add the ears.
Step 15: Add the rainbow shapes for the upper eyelids.
Step 16: Place the pupil and iris underneath.
Step 17: Add the eyebrows at the top of the eye shape.
Step 18: Add the eyelids above the eyes.
Step 19: Add the opening for the mouth. Notice that it is a flattened half circle and that it is situated more towards the nose than the chin.
Step 20: Add the lips. Notice that the upper lip and lower lip are similar in size.
Step 21: It is time to do the hair. The first thing that you need to do is erase the original line because the hairline is a soft line. I extended the hair on the top and in front. Both have very soft edges.
Step 22: Will cover the top of Jeremy Lin's face. I started off by erasing the lines. Then I added wrinkle lines to the forehead since he has a tense expression. Then I darkened the area above the eyes and used the blending stump to smudge. I used the eraser to create highlights.
Step 23: There are very distinct lines at the bottom of the orbits of the eye on Jeremy Lin's face. They point towards the bottom of the ears. Generally speaking the neck will be darker than the face. Jeremy Lin has a very muscular face so dont worry about softening things. Its ok to leave jagged edges. He has a very dark shadow under his chin.
Step 24: I started by creating a dark line around the collar and the sleeves. Then I added a second line above it which left a solid white line in between. The lettering is tricky. You just have to take your time with it. Try to maintain the white edge around the letters and numbers.
Step 25: In step 25 we draw the hands and arms. Use the eraser to add highlights and the pencil to add shading.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht
This video will give you step by step instructions on how to draw the rapper Jay Z. Just follow the instructions on the eleven steps that I give you and shade along with me during the shading tutorial at the end of this video .....and I guarantee that you will surprise yourself with your drawing.

Oh yeah....and if you havent done so already.....SUBSCRIBE.........Cant knock the hustle! Biography pencil drawing brooklyn album 2010 2011 blueprint album run this town lyrics takeover devil vodka new jersey nets forever young

Step 1: I recommend that you cut your paper in to a square shape to begin. While this recommendation is not necessary, the edges of the square will help you judge the placement of the lines in your drawing.
Step 2: Draw the big U shape and the small P shape. Notice their relative size to each other and to the rest of the square shape. Notice where the lines of each letter end, compared to the edges of the paper. Finally, notice that the U and the P tilt to the right.
Step 3: Put in the triangle shape at the top....close to the middle of the page. Also put in the line in the upper left corner.
Step 4: This is a tough step.....Do not expect to get this perfectly. These are shadow shapes around the eye and they are not as important as getting the position of the eye correct. Notice the general placement of this shape. It lies above the tail of the P shape and more than 1/2 the way up the U shape. Sketch it in quickly. Do not agonize over it.
Step 5: Draw in the eyes. Overall, they are almond shaped and notice that there is one eye length between each eye. Also, be sure to add the double line around the eyes.
Step 6: Add the nose. There is a strong shadow on both sides of the bridge of the nose. There is even a stronger shadow at the bottom and the nostrils will be merged in to a shape that looks like a flattened M.
Step 7: Add the rainbow shape that you see. Notice its origin from the shape in step 6.
Step 8: Add Jay-Z's lips. The two lips together form a heart shape. The two lips are about equal in size to each other.
Step 9: Add the shirt and tie. Dont stress the placement of these shapes, they are irrelevant to the likeness.
Step 10: Finish the shirt and add his earring.
Step 11: Add the line below his chin.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

A very bi-partisan artwork. Put your political differences aside and watch artist Merrill Kazanjian merge the faces of our last four Presidents (Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush. A presidential portrait this is not- it sets the precedent for merging presidents- not ideologically- but aesthetically. I started out by creating a collage / photomontage with digital cut outs and combining them with Photoshop CS3 and Paint Shop Pro 8. Next, I printed on a medium format printer (13 x 17 inches). Next I added a layer of color pencils (prismacolor) and markers (AD and prisma) to fill in the gaps and tie everything together. Finally, I added a layer of oil paint to make it look life like. I added the body of Richard Nixon in his iconic peace pose and ironically the face wound up looking a little bit like a young Nixon (I did not intend this). I call the method that I use, tradigital art. It merges traditional art (2D drawing and painting) with digital possibilities (computer art and digital photography). My website is http://merrillk.com

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

How to draw a nerd step by step. How to draw a geek. how to draw a nerdy person. How to draw a Harvard graduate or MIT Mattachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate. How to draw a dork. How to draw a man with glasses. Draw a sneeze. Pencil Drawing tutorial. Shading with drawing pencils. How to shade with pencil. How to draw a face. How to draw step by step. How to draw miserable. Misery. Pencil drawing tips. How to use a Tortillion. How to use a blending stump. How to shade with a paint brush. How to cross hatch. How to smudge. How to build tones in a drawing. How to draw a mourning person. How to draw a person in mourning. Click on any of the pictures to go to my other facial expression videos, or hit the subscribe button. There will be lots more coming soon.

Remove a pencil from your pocket protector, because this video will give you step by step instruction on how to draw this glorious nerd.........Just pause the video at the end of each step and follow the instructions and I will show you how to crack the art geek algorithm.

Step 1: This is where nerds store their smarts. In this caricature, we are going to make the top of the head slightly larger in proportion to the bottom of the head. Take your time and draw these three shapes as accurately as possible.
Step 2: According to Charles Darwin, nerd eyes and ears have mutated over time to enhance the nerds senses for activities such as shopping at Radio Shack and watching Star Wars. The eyes and ears are very important to this caricature. Make the glasses and ears oversized, compared to the bottom of the face. Usually the ears will be as long as the length from the top of the eyes to the bottom of the nose, but we are ignoring that rule in this drawing and making them identical to the height of the glasses. Dont forget the eyebrow shapes above the glasses.
Step 3: Draw the nose shape and the wrinkle lines...... Then, complete the outline of the face. Make sure that you keep the bottom of the face smaller than the top.
Step 4: Draw a half circle for the mouth. Then add the details. Here is a close up.
Step 5: Add the lines to separate the teeth. For a realistic portrait, you dont want to go dark between each tooth....but.... For this caricature, it is ok.
Step 6: Draw in the braces. Please note that the braces are just small rectangles over each tooth, connected by wire.
Step 7: Draw in the eyes. Notice that they are close to the upper frames of the glasses. Try to draw exactly what you see here.
Step 8: Draw in the pattern for the hair. Dont stress, there is no way that you will get these lines perfect. Close enough is ok. I will show you a cool trick in the next part.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

LINK- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=8651&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=114 In this video, I (Merrill Kazanjian) tried to do a dry brush color portrait of New York Yankee Captain Derek Jeter.....I messed up! But, I was able to recover with a little creativity. This video will show you how to fix mistakes while oil painting.

Mediums Will it work?
Oil paint over acrylic paint? Yes- Works flawlessly
Acrylic paint over oil paint? No- Will peel off in time.
Color pencil over oil paint? Somewhat- Color pencil over a single layer of oil paint will work, but if you have several layers of paint layered on a surface, pressing hard with the color pencil will dig up some oil paint.
Oil paint over color pencil? Yes- Works flawlessly
Oil Pastel over Oil Paint? Yes- However, oil pastels do not dry unless if you add Liquin or Fixative to them. So if you plan to add another layer of paint, be sure to mix some liquin in or spray the fixative on top of the pastel after you add it atop your painting.
Color pencil over oil pastel? No- The sharp point of the pencil will carve in to the soft oil pastel.
Oil paint over color pencil? Yes- My FAVORITE combination
Illustration marker over any other media? No- It will ruin the marker
Illustration marker under any other media? Yes- Works flawlessly
Color pencil over acrylic paint? Somewhat- Color pencil over a single layer of oil paint will work, but if you have several layers of paint layered on a surface, pressing hard with the color pencil will dig up some of the acrylic paint.
WHEN IN DOUBT........ 1.) Scan 2.) High Quality Print 3.) Use any of these media atop the print.
Medium Pros Cons
Color Pencil EXTREME accuracy. Decent Mixability Limited blendability. Color pencils cannot be layered.
Acrylic Paint Dries Fast. Extremely opaque (covers well). Does not mix with oil based mediums. Blending abilities are better than color pencils, but inferior to oil paint.
Oil Pastel Great mixability, decent accuracy. Does not dry without liquin or fixative (cannot be layered without liquin or fixative). Is not as accurate as color pencil.
Oil Paint Superior Mixability. Superior covering power. Can be applied in multiple opacities (Transparent, translucent, opaque). Dries slowly....TRIGGERS MY ADHD!!!!!!
Illustration Marker Fast way to add transparent color. Cannot be used OVER other media.
Scanner/Printer/Photoshop Sometimes a paper can be saturated with color and unworkable. Scanning and printing will let you start from where you left off. No texture remains after you scan and print. Mr. November

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=12826&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=462
My new channel: http://youtube.com/metaldetectingnyc

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
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(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Hello it's OG, the old gangsta. I do not fixodent my dentures. I dont need them when I spit; I bite like Matlock with Tourettes. Go get your pencils. Get your paper. And lose your nerves, like water vapor. Im like Picasso on a ventilator and this video will educate you. We will draw the man called Weezy, my man Merrill gonna make it easy. Pause the video at the end of each step. Draw what you see is what I suggest. Hit the link in the video description. Pop every pill of your prescription. Follow the guide. Learn at your pace. Soon youll be drawing Weezy's face. If you mess up, eat your fiber. Know all the trolls have no subscribers. And all them haters pop viagra and the true players flow like Niagra.

Step 1: Draw the three shapes that you see. Notice their size and placement in relation to the edges of this piece of paper.
Step 2: Add in the hair shape. Hair moves constantly so the placement of these shapes do not have to be perfect. Try to focus more on the trapezoidal shape in between the two hair shapes.
Step 3: Is one of the more difficult steos. Try to take your time and observe its placement and its subtleties. Notice that the fist is like a square shape tilted to the side on top of a triangle shape.
Step 4: Add the two shapes for the shoulders
Step 5: Add the shapes for the eyes and the tear drops
Step 6: Add the two shapes for the nose and the shadow below the nose
Step 7: Add the three shapes for the mouth. The third shape on the top is a highlight above the lip.
Step 8: Add the shapes to the hair. The most important of these shapes is the ear and earring on your right side. Also, be sure to add the double line for his chain.
Step 9: Take extra time on this step. It is very important for the likeness. Lil Wayne has very complex eyes. Try to see each shape and where it fits in to the bigger shape.
Step 10: Now its time to make his 4,335 tattoos. Lil Wayne has more ink than a pen factory. Dont stress out while doing these. Not even I drew each one correctly.
Step 11: More tattoos coming your way. Draw in the letters B and Y and improvise around the armpit
Step 12:Thats a glowing bird to the left. If you dont like glowing birds, improvise.
Step 13: I think thats the word concrete written across his hand. If its not, I apologize Lil Wayne.
Step 14: Make some squiggley thingeys on his neck. Every rapper needs at least one squiggley thingey tattoo.
Step 15: I think those are dominoes on his left arm. His bodyguards would not let me shoot him with a tranquilizer dart, so I am not sure. Unless if you are a Lil Wayne historian, draw what you see or write your own subliminal message.

Note: The Song at the beginning is "Rock Hybrid" Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

What happens when you merge the faces of Al Franken, Rush Limbaugh, Jon Stewart and Mark Levin? Probably somebody suffering from political schizophrenia! Aside from that, since Americans cant seem to agree on political issues, I decided to merge the faces of our conservative and liberal talking heads. I wish that political energy/resources could be used to do great things, but its not. Every time a see a mudslinging television ad, I wonder how much is spent on demonizing an opponent rather than funding a needed program (um......art is vanishing from schools). It seems that our political pundits pour fuel on the fire rather than bringing a sensible voice to the bickering. It is sometimes hard to remember that they are entertainers who depend on advertising revenue from their shows. It seems that "sensational" is more entertaining which doesn't do anybody any good. It frightens me that liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican are becoming identities rather than ideologies and we forget that we are on the same side!

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

How to draw the expression of grief (extreme sadness) step by step. How to draw a sad face. how to draw a sad person. How to draw a sad man. How to draw somebody sneezing. How to draw a person sneezing. Draw a sneeze. Pencil Drawing tutorial. Shading with drawing pencils. How to shade with pencil. How to draw a face. How to draw step by step. How to draw miserable. Misery. Pencil drawing tips. How to use a Tortillion. How to use a blending stump. How to shade with a paint brush. How to cross hatch. How to smudge. How to build tones in a drawing. How to draw a mourning person. How to draw a person in mourning. Click on any of the pictures to go to my other facial expression videos, or hit the subscribe button. There will be lots more coming soon. This video will give you step by step instruction on how to draw the facial expression of grief...or maybe this dude is just sneezing. Be sure to pause the video at the end of each step. Lets begin.

Step 1: Draw the 2 sets of symmetrical shapes. The eyebrow shapes resemble levers from pinball machines. The eyes are shut and the eyelids are folded tightly around the eyeball. The two sets of eyelashes have come together. Be sure to notice the lines around each eye and the two lines coming together in between the eyebrows.
Step 2: Add the two nostrils and the wrinkle lines around the mouth. Notice that the nose is foreshortened because the head is tilted backwards. In other words the nostrils are closer to the eyes and more rounded than when you look at a face straight on. Do not be tempted to put a line at the bottom of the nose. In this pose, that line does not exist.
Step 3: Draw in the mouth. Notice that it is comprised of four distinct shapes- the upper lip, the upper teeth, the inner mouth and the tongue. When people show the most common facial expression for grieving........ or sneezing, their bottom lip wraps around their bottom teeth. So remember, draw what you see here, rather than what you know to be true in a calm facial expression.
Step 4: Draw in the hair. This shape can vary a lot, so either draw what you see or be creative.
Step 5: Draw in the bottom half of the face and the ears. Notice that the ears are even with the mouth because the head is tilted back.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

What you are seeing is a short time lapse of me layering color with illustration markers (prismacolor) and color pencils. I have discovered that using markers and color pencils is a much faster way to build a foundation for a painting (if you could still call it that). Today, I will add a third step to my process. In less than a minute I will teach you how to glaze oil paint. Glazing is a very well known oil painting technique that gives a work of art a more life like finish. I am a mixed media artist now but the first medium that I learned in my training as an artist was oil painting. Glazing was, by far my favorite oil painting process, but it would often take months to reach the point where I could glaze because of oil paints slow drying time. The crazy caricature of the little old lady with the gun took me less than an hour to make. Now, let me define glazing. Glazing is the act of adding transparent or translucent color to a painting. Water is a good example of transparency because you could almost perfectly see through it and candle wax is a good example of something that is translucent. Some light can shine through something that is translucent but only hints of color. You could usually tell if a color is good for glazing by looking at the tube of paint. Most paint manufacturers put a square on the outside of the tube indicating the paints opacity. If the square is empty or half full it is a good color to use for glazing.
You can download a list of the paints that I use for glazing on my website merrillk.com. Just type in Glazing in the search box. One last thing before we start to glaze. I recommend a product from Windsor and Newton called Liquin for glazing. It mixes very well with the wax from the color pencils.

I am not quite sure why I drew a little old lady with a gun. I guess that I will figure that one out later- New art by Merrill Kazanjian
Lo que estamos viendo es un corto lapso de tiempo de mi capas de color con ilustración marcadores (Prismacolor) y lápices de colores. He descubierto que el uso de marcadores y lápices de color es una manera mucho más rápida de construir una base para una pintura (si aún podría llamarlo así). Hoy, voy a añadir un tercer proceso de paso a mi. En menos de un minuto voy a enseñar cómo barniz de pintura de aceite. Vidriado es muy bien conocida técnica de pintura al óleo que le da una obra de arte como una vida más acabado. Soy un artista de medios mixtos, pero ahora el primer medio que he aprendido en mi formación como artista fue la pintura al óleo. Acristalamiento fue, de lejos mi favorito óleo proceso, sino que a menudo varios meses para llegar al punto donde podría esmalte pinturas de aceite, porque el tiempo de secado lento. El loco de la caricatura viejecita con la pistola me llevó menos de una hora para hacer. Ahora, permítanme definir acristalamiento. Vidriado es el acto de agregar transparentes o translúcidas de color a una pintura. El agua es un buen ejemplo de transparencia, ya que casi podría perfectamente ver a través de él y la cera es un buen ejemplo de algo que es translúcido. Alguna luz puede brillar a través de algo que es transparente, sino sólo notas de color. Usted puede saber si por lo general un color que es bueno para los cristales mirando el tubo de pintura. La mayoría de los fabricantes de pintura poner un cuadrado en el exterior del tubo que indica la opacidad de las pinturas. Si la plaza está vacía o medio llena, es un buen color para el uso de cristales. Puede descargar una lista de las pinturas que yo uso para los cristales de mi sitio web merrillk.com. Basta con escribir en el acristalamiento en el cuadro de búsqueda. Una última cosa antes de empezar a esmalte. Yo recomiendo un producto de Windsor y Newton Liquin llamado para acristalamiento. Se mezcla muy bien con la cera de los lápices de colores. No estoy muy segura de la razón por la que se refirió un poco vieja con una pistola. Creo que voy a una cifra que más tarde Nueva-arte por Merrill Kazanjian

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

LINK- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=11123&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=462
WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

We are faced with the fact my friends the tomorrow is today. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, "too late". There's no gain without struggle but if you're willing to try to draw Dr. King, i'll make sure that you have a good chance of succeeding. But dont just watch this video, participate; because no work is insignificant all labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence that excellence is not the end result for the finished work is the growth that is sustained through your effort. If you have a dream and the motivation to improve your drawing abilities, here's your blueprint to success- hit the link video description right now then reopen this video on my webpage. As you scroll down, you will see photo and text resources to accompany this video. The combination of the step-by-step instructions in this video and the text and print resources will give you a great chance to succeed. If you're up to the challenge, let's begin.
Step 1: In step one we are going to make shapes which will eventually become the eye. Both shapes look like a skinny pac man eating an almond. Be sure to notice that there is a slight difference between the two shapes. Use your observation skills because each shape is not symmetrical. Here is a close up.
Step 2: Draw in the pupil and iris. Notice that you can see the bottom of the circle for the pupil and iris but not the top.
Step 3: Draw in the nose shape and the extra shapes for the shadows around it. The height of this shape should be about one third the height of the pac man shapes from step one. The width should be exactly as wide as the pac man/eye shape on your left. Notice that the nose shape does not attach to the eye shape.
Step 4: Add the quadruple shape that you see. The top shape will be Dr. King's moustache which looks like a flattened M shape. The second shape from the top will be a highlight between the moustache and the top lip. The third shape resembles a lightning bolt and will be the top lip. The fourth shape is the bottom lip. Notice that it is bowl shaped and slightly thicker than the top lip.
Step 5: Add the shape of the forehead. This shape is about twice as tall as the pac man shape for the eye to the left.
Step 6: Dont freak out! Calm down! Add the shape for the outline of the head and hair. Focus on the edge of the head. The lines for the shadow on the face DO NOT have to be perfect but the outside has to be close. I repeat, focus your efforts on the outline of the head.
Step 7: Add the ear shape and the outline for the rest of the face.
Step 8: Add the shape for the clothing. It is going to be in heavy shadow so just go for the general shape and dont stress out if its not perfect.
Step 9: Complete the clothing. Again, it will be in heavy shadow so dont become a perfectionist for this step.
Step 10: Fix the ear and the hairline.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Learn how to draw Frederick Douglass step by step! This video will teach you how to break images down in to shapes...How to observe and draw the texture of edges of shapes, basic shading techniques and more. It is perfect for new or intermediate level artists.

Subscribe to kazanjianm (Don't miss any new videos that I make)- http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use

Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

Art Supplies I Use in my Art Work- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

YouTube Visual Arts Category Petition: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This is part 2 of my tutorial on how to draw Michael Jordan. Part 1 showed you how to draw MJ's head and this part will teach you how to draw his body. I recommend that you hit the link in the video description to go to a printable step by step guide. Lets get started.

Step 1- For Step one, try to draw the shapes that I just added. Notice that his body goes out to your right a little bit less than a head length, from ear to ear. The bottom of his collar is also less than a head length down

Step 2- Complete the shape for the shirt. Notice that the entire length of the shirt is almost 2 head lengths.

Step 3- Observe and add the shapes for the upper arms.

Step 4- Add the shape for the basketball and the right arm. notice that it is similar to a vase shape.

Step 5- Add the forearm and the shape for the hand.

Step 6- Add the shape for MJ's shorts. notice that his legs are moving in a different direction than his upper body.

Step 7- Draw in the shape for the lower legs. notice that they are angled in the same direction as the upper body.

Step 8- Draw in MJ's shoes

Step 9- Fix MJ's hand.

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