
Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Hey everybody its Merrill. This video is going to teach you what I consider to be the three most important tips for making a realistic looking drawing or painting. I tell you what, Lets get right to the point. Tip number one is, eliminate lines whenever it is possible. The second rule that I am going to give you is to notice the edges. All edges are not the same. Some are soft, and some are hard and you have to really look to notice the tones and the hardness of the edges. If there is an overarching theme to all three of these points, it is tones. This video teaches you how to smudge pencil lines and blend tones. Its a good tutorial for those of you who want to build your knowledge in that area. Tips for making a realistic looking drawing. Tips for making a realistic looking painting. How to create a realistic drawing. How to create a realistic painting.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This video will show you how to draw the hand, step by step (Thumbs up pose). Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=6974&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=114 The link will take you to a page with print resources, including a printable PDF. The video makes it possible for anybody to draw the hand. It is simplified with the 1.) Step by step instruction of the video 2.) Website resource 3.) Print resource. It doesnt matter how much experience you have with art, you will be able to do this. This process makes it easy as possible. You dont have to pray that your drawing turns out OK...Thumbs up!!!!- Merrill Kazanjian
Este video te mostrará cómo sacar la mano, paso a paso (Thumbs up plantean). Link-http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=6974&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=114 El enlace te llevará a una página con los recursos de impresión, incluyendo un PDF imprimible. El vídeo hace posible que a nadie a sacar la mano. Se simplifica con el 1.) Instrucciones paso a paso de las 2 de vídeo.) Sitio Web de recursos 3.) De los recursos de impresión. Se doesnt importa cuánto usted tiene experiencia con el arte, usted será capaz de hacer esto. Este proceso hace que sea más fácil posible. Usted no tiene que rezar para que el dibujo resulta bien ... Thumbs up!!! Este vídeo vai mostrar como a chamar a mão, passo a passo (thumbs up pose). Link-http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=6974&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=114 O link levará você a uma página com recursos de impressão, incluindo um PDF para impressão. O vídeo possibilita que qualquer pessoa a desenhar a mão. É simplificado com o 1.) Instruções passo a passo do vídeo 2.) Website recurso 3.) Recurso de impressão. Não importa o quanto você tem experiência com a arte, você será capaz de fazer isso. Este processo faz com que seja mais fácil possível. Você não tem que rezar para que o desenho acaba bem ... Thumbs up!! Cette vidéo va vous montrer comment dessiner la main, étape par étape (Thumbs posent up). Link-http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=6974&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=114 Le lien vous amène sur une page avec des ressources d'impression, y compris un PDF imprimable. La vidéo permet à quiconque de tirer la main. Il est simplifié avec le 1.) Instructions étape par étape de la vidéo 2.) Site de ressources 3.) Ressources d'impression. It doesnt importe l'expérience que vous avez avec l'art, vous serez en mesure de le faire. Ce processus rend facile que possible. Vous n'avez pas de prier pour que votre dessin se révèle OK ... Thumbs up!! 此影片将告诉你如何绘制手,一步(竖起大拇指构成步骤)。链路http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=6974&act=artist1& amp;artist=69&collection=114的链接将带您到一个网页上打印资源,包括一个可打印的PDF。视频可让任何人利用手。它简化了1。)一步的视频2指令步。)网站资源3。)打印资源。它doesn't不管有多少经验,你对艺术有,你将能够做到这一点。这一过程可以很容易进行。您不应该祈祷您的绘图原来行...竖起大拇指!!इस वीडियो को आप कैसे दिखा हाथ खींचने के लिए कदम आगे बढ़ने की अनुमति (उत्तर प्रदेश मुद्रा से कदम,) है. लिंक-http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=6974&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=114 लिंक एक पृष्ठ पर आप एक मुद्रण योग्य PDF सहित प्रिंट संसाधन, साथ ले जाएगा. वीडियो इसके लिए किसी को हाथ खींचने के लिए संभव बनाता है. यह 1 से सरल.) है वीडियो 2 के कदम से कदम अनुदेश.) वेबसाइट संसाधन 3.) प्रिंट संसाधन. यह बात doesn't कितना अनुभव आप कला के साथ है, तुम यह करने में सक्षम होंगे. इस प्रक्रिया के रूप में यह संभव आसान बनाता है. तुम मत से प्रार्थना करती हूँ कि आपका चित्र बाहर ठीक है ... ऊपर अंगूठे! जाता है!!

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

LINK- http://merrillk.com Today, I am going to show you, step by step, how to draw an angry mouth. Pause the video at the end of each step and be sure to look at the screen every few seconds while you draw. I am confident that you will surprise yourself if you take your time and listen carefully. Here we go.

Step 1- Draw a big U shape but make the two lines at the top of the U point slightly outwards and away from each other. Pause the video now and remember to look at the reference picture on your computer screen.
Step 2- Draw a second U shape above the first and close the lines to form a crescent moon shape. Notice that the widest point of this shape is the middle and that the shape gets narrow and pointy at the top where the edges of both lines meet.
Step 3- When a person screams, the bottom lip presses firmly against the bottom set of teeth. Only the tooth tops are visible. The shape of these tooth tops is somewhere between a square and circle. Make 8 to 10 and stay light with the lines in between the teeth. Pause the video now and don't forget to look every few seconds.
Step 4- Now we draw the tongue. It is a rounded shape that is wider at the top than the bottom. It is kind of like drawing a heart shape without a pointed bottom or an indentation at the top. Pause the video now and be sure to look every few seconds while you draw.
Step 5- Add a rainbow shape at the top. Be sure to notice the amount of space between the top of the tongue and the rainbow shape. Pause the video now.
Step 6- Add a second rainbow shape above the first. Like the bottom lip, the top lip gets more narrow at the edges and wider in the middle. Be sure to notice that the bottom lip is thicker than the top lip. This is true for every person. Pause the video now and be sure to look at the screen every few seconds.
Step 7- Now make a half circle shape beneath the top lip. Notice that the edges at the bottom protrude slightly. Pause the video now and remember to look.
Step 8- When a person screams, the top teeth are exposed because the top lip goes upwards. Your task is to draw 12 teeth. Notice that the front four face the viewer but the others start to turn away. Notice that as the teeth go further back in to the mouth, they get smaller. I know that molars and wisdom teeth are much larger in real life than a front teeth, but please trust me and pause the video and draw what you see. I will explain why this happens in the next part.

Ideally, you should have three things to do the shading. At the top is a blending stub. In the middle is a 2B pencil and at the bottom is a HB pencil.

When I shade, I:
- Use a method called cross hatcing
- Develop the shading evenly (I move the pencil around to the different parts of the drawing. step by step drawing lesson

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Visit http://youtube.com/September11 to watch more perspectives on the 10th Anniversary of September 11 and to submit your own.

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Reflections on 9-11 .....Merrill Kazanjian's 9-11 story.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

My Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
YouTube Topics Search- http://youtube.com/topics
We NEED a Visual Arts Category Forum Thread (please advocate)- http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004ba24bfbc3fc4&hl=en
Visual Arts Category Playlist- http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLEA626A08B26

Lets celebrate our progress in working towards a visual arts category on YouTube with a new contest. My goal whenever I hold a contest is to bring the art community together and highlight all of the insanely amazing art work that is on YouTube. I want to give talented artists the exposure that they deserve.

Last December, I held a contest called "Who is the most underrated artist on YouTube"? For that contest, I asked people to vote in the comments section of the video for who they consider to be the most underrated artist on YouTube. This contest got over 1000 comments and the winner of that contest, BarryPFinnegan2 got hooked up. The subscribership on his channel doubled from 500 to 1000 in less than a month.

I am still getting requests to repeat that contest so we are going to do it again. So welcome to Who is the most underrated artist on YouTube 2. Here are the very simple rules.

Question: What channel do you think is the most underrated visual arts channel on YouTube?

(We will define underrated as having less than 10,000 subscribers.)

To vote, simply write that channels name in the comments section of this video. That is all that you have to do. One week from today, I am going to tally up all of the comments and up votes, and I am going to do something special for the channel that gets the most votes.

Remember the whole point of this contest is for youtube artists to become more aware of each other. I recommend that you use the AWESOME new tool that youtube gave us called topic search. I will link to it in the video description. Try putting your favorite keywords in here. I guarantee that you will find some new and cool stuff.

If you want to showcase your work to recruit people to vote for you, please feel free to:

1.) post your best video as a video response to this video.
2.) post your best video to my facebook page. http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

So YouTube gave us a new toy called Topics. I am linking to it in the video description because is a great resource to navigate the many genres of art uploaded to YouTube. Im going to use topics to prove a point. There are a LOT of artists on YouTube.

So this is our new toy, Youtube topics, we are going to do a search for art. And then we will learn that there are amount one million art videos on YouTube and these videos have a viewership in the billions. Lets compare the art results from YouTube topics and compare it with some other popular keywords. Art beats sports, basketball, education and even cosmetics in the total number of videos. Please note that two of these topics are specific categories already and I know that I speak for a LOT of people when I say that art should be next.

It makes me mad when I see a great artist with a small following. Contests like this one are designed to change things fast.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

http://merrillk.com/index.php?part=fineart&articles_id=5376&collection=114 Today, you are going to draw Lebron James...Never draw before? Thats OK! I broke this process down in to simple steps for you. Miami Heat. I recommend that you pause the video at the end of each step and get in the habit of looking at the reference image on the screen at least once every five seconds. To make this as easy as possible, I uploaded a print version of this lesson to my website. Go to http://merrillk.com and type in LeBron in the search box. Or, if you are watching on youtube, click the link to the right. All that you will need is a pencil and some paper to draw and a q tip or a blending tool to do the shading in the second part of this video. Good luck! Here we go!

This part has 24 steps and it will be followed by a Lebron shading tutorial.
Step 1- Make a rainbow shape
Step 2- Make another rainbow shape above the first, with a slightly higher arc. This will be LeBron's headband. At the end of this step, it should resemble a banana shape.
Step 3- Make one more rainbow shape slightly above the top of the headband this will be Lebrons hair.
Step 4- Is a little tricky. Add the 2 shapes that you see. Notice that the one on (your) left is slightly larger than the one on (your) right.
Step 5- Add the backward L shape that you see.
Step 6- Add the shape that looks like the "little dipper" (pot shape).
Step 7- Add the next 2 lines. Notice that these two lines connect with the bottom of the shape from step 4.
Step 8- Add the 2 small rainbow shapes for the tops of Lebrons Eyes, and take an extra second to notice how each end connects to form a new shape above the eye.
Step 9- Add 2 U shapes under each eye lid. Dont make circles though, leave the top blocked by the upper eyelid.
Step 10- Take a second to observe the gross outline of the nose. Notice that the shape is about the same height as the forehead.
Step 11- The next lines that you see are the outline of Lebrons moustache. Notice that the 2 vertical lines go DIRECTLY below the mid part of Lebrons eyes.
Step 12- Next, put in Lebrons upper lip. Notice that it looks like a flattened letter M.
Step 13- Now put in his bottom lip. It is shaped like a boat. The shape in between the 2 lips looks like the roof of a Pizza Hut.
Step 14- Now, do your best to put in the ear shapes. Notice that his head is turned slightly, so the ear on your right will be a little smaller.
Step 15- Try to observe the line for his chin and jaw and then draw it.
Step 16- Observe and add these lines for the neck.
Step 17- Add the shoulders
Step 18- This v shape will be an important shadow on the neck.
Step 19- Add the W shape between the chin and lower lip.
Step 20- Connect the W shape with the bottom of each ear.
Step 21- Add the nostrils
Step 22- Add the bottom line for the eye.
Step 23- Add two V shapes under the eyes
Step 24- For the final step before we shade, notice the three shapes that are being added on each ear.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Im bringing artsy back
My YouTube channel it deserves a plaque
Im gonna teach you how to draw like that
Go grab your pencil and your sketching pad

Take em to the bridge

Artsy babe
Dont waste your money on an MFA
Watch me on YouTube and subscribe its free
Follow my steps and you will draw JT (Justin Timberlake)

Take em to the chorus

Subscribe to kazanjianm (Don't miss any new videos that I make)- http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use

Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

Art Supplies I Use in my Art Work- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

YouTube Visual Arts Category Petition: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Where are video responses? Where did video responses go? Relax! They are still here. This is a tutorial on the NEW way of how to post video responses on youtube, since the new format was implemented March 2nd, 2010. A very short demonstration, answering, how do you post a video response? how to post video response 2010

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Artist Merrill Kazanjian breaks down the process of drawing from a photograph and simplifies it in to three steps. A time lapse demonstration is done at the end. Kazanjian's videotaped himself drawing a pencil portrait over the course of an hour. Kazanjian narrates as the hour-long drawing is sped up in to three fact filled minutes. It is a great video to see if you want to impove your portrait drawing skills. This video covers, contour drawing, drawing from observation, crosshatching, tones, breaking drawings in to shapes to simplify the drawing process and drawing the features of the human face. It is an instructional, traditional drawing, video. For more drawing tips from Merrill Kazanjian or to see his art, contact him through his website; merrillk.com

Künstler Merrill Kazanjian bricht den Prozess der Zeichnung aus einem Foto und vereinfacht es sich in drei Schritten. Eine zeitliche Verschiebung Demonstration erfolgt am Ende. Kazanjian's Videoband selbst ein Bleistift-Zeichnung Porträt im Laufe einer Stunde. Kazanjian erzählt, wie die Stunden langen Zeichnung ist beschleunigt in der Tat zu drei Minuten gefüllt. Es ist eine große Video zu sehen, wenn Sie möchten Ihre impove Porträt-Zeichnung Fähigkeiten. Dieses Video umfasst, Kontur Zeichnen, Zeichnung aus der Beobachtung, crosshatching, Klingeltöne, brechen Zeichnungen in Formen zu vereinfachen die Erstellung und Zeichnung der Merkmale des menschlichen Gesichts. Es handelt sich um eine Lehr-, traditionelle Zeichnung, Video. Für weitere Tipps Zeichnung von Merrill Kazanjian oder um zu sehen, seine Kunst, wenden Sie ihn durch seine Website; merrillk.com (mehr)

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Part 1- I will start this drawing by taking a second to look at my reference photograph on the left. I try to see the mouth as one big shape first and I try to match that shape as best as I can to start. Next, I break the mouth in to three smaller shapes. I notice that the top lip looks like a flattened McDonalds Arch and the bottom lip looks similar to a crescent moon shape. The area in between is more complex but that is ok since I can create that shape by noticing the nuances of upper and lower lip.

Part 2- Take a second to notice that the lower lip is slightly fuller than the top lip. This is true for every person. Once I am somewhat satisfied with the upper and lower lip, I start to notice the space between the lips. That space is divided between the upper teeth and the negative space below the teeth. Please notice that when a person smiles, the bottom lip comes up and blocks the lower set of teeth. Many people make the mistake of drawing the upper and lower teeth in a smile. While drawing the teeth, I am very careful about not pressing too hard. Notice that there are NO dark tones, separating the teeth, only light to medium ones. The front of our face is rounded and the formations of the upper and lower sets of teeth are in a horseshoe shape. When drawing a person from the front, notice that as the teeth go further back towards the throat, they become more foreshortened. Also, as the teeth go back towards the throat, they are blocked more in a smile by the lips and are more shadowed. Be careful because this can easily be overdone. The color of the teeth are not white, they are bone colored, which is a cool off white.

It is a conscious choice for me to start this drawing with color pencil. I use color pencil because the fine tip of the color pencil gives me a lot of accuracy, and also because, color pencils can be mixed with oil paint. You will see me mix color pencil with oil paint in step four.

Part 3- At this point I am satisfied with the placement of all of my shapes. Once that task is accomplished, I focus on building tones and colors. In other words, my focus to this point has been to get all of the pieces of the puzzle in to the right place and now, I can have fun by mixing colors and matching tones. I try to also notice the qualities of the edges of shapes. For instance, there is a fuzzy, unclear edge between the upper lip and the gums above the teeth. It is there but it is hard to see. In contrast, there is a solid, distinct edge between the upper teeth and the darker area of negative space, below the teeth.

Color pencil is a great medium for a contemporary artist to learn. I greatly value the accuracy and detail work that can be achieved with color pencils. The flaws to this medium is that color pencil cannot be layered as well as paint, since it doesn't fully dry. Its biggest strength is also a big weakness. The fine tip of the color pencil, covers surfaces at an extremely slow rate. Both weaknesses can be fixed however. I found that if you dip a paintbrush in a painting medium called Liquin and start to paint, the color pencils essentially pick up the properties of oil paint. In the next step, I will use liquin and mix it with both the oil paint atop of the color pencil.

Part 4- Now I am painting with Liquin and oil paint over the color pencil. They are very compatible with each other and are essentially made with the same materials. The pigment of the color pencil is bound with wax; and wax has been used in parts of many painting mediums throughout the history of oil painting.

Oil paint is considered a traditional medium but many of its artistic capabilities have not yet been matched by other, newer mediums. Oil paint gives to the ability to work opaque, transparently and translucently. Today, I am using the combination of the oil paint and the liquin to soften my color pencil drawing below. I am using small soft paintbrushes and they pick up some of the color that was left below. The paintbrush is a great tool to create soft blends. That makes perfect sense if you compare it to the tip of a color pencil

I hope that you have enjoyed this video and I hope that you learned something. Feel free to ask me questions and please subscribe to my channel if you like concise, information rich videos on art.

Created by Merrill Kazanjian http://merrillk.com

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Hey its Merrill. I recommend that you watch parts 1 and 2 before you watch Part 3... Click on the pictures to see parts 1 and 2.Welcome to part 3 of my workshop on proportions for portrait drawing ... This series is made for art students and this part will cover the profile (side) view of the head. I hope to give you some easy to remember rules and a formula, so that you will be able to draw the human head from your memory. Lets get started by reviewing what we learned already. Videos one and two proved that 1.) The eyes are not at the center of the head. 2.) Its generally five eye lengths across the face if you include the ears. 3.) Its one eye length between the two eyes. 4.) The outer corners of the nose generally lines up with the outer edge of the tear duct in the eye. 5.) The corners of the mouth is generally not as wide as the midpoint of the eye (but its close) 6.) The ears generally fall between the upper eyelid and the bottom of the nose. Now, lets look at the head from the side/profile view and add to our existing knowledge. 1.) The first question asks. Is the head more tall?......... or is it more deep? In other words, lets compare the distance between the chin and the top of the head.......Wow, it looks close......but there is a strange reason for that...........Observe the slope of the forehead and the shape of the top of the head. When we measure from the jaw line we go up to the top front of the head.......which is lower in height than the back of the head when we are looking forwards. Notice the difference when we measure the distance from the chin to the top....back of the head....there is no comparison anymore. For our purposes, lets think of the head as an egg shape from the side. But the egg is not straight up and down, it is at an angle.......HMMMM egg shaped....maybe Stewie's head isn't that out of proportion.Now that we understand the basic shape of the head from the side, lets look for universal rules. A good place to start is Leonardo DaVinci 2.) Leonardo said, "The distance from the middle of the nose to the bottom of the chin, is half the length of the face." This rule applied to all 8 of the models.....and the middle of the nose as a half way point, compliments what we learned in Video 1 and 2. Lets add it to our formula.3.) Leonardo also measured the distance between the chin and the throat and the mouth and the bottom of the chin as equal distances. This rule applied to all 8 of the models.4.) he also said, "From the chin to the back of the neck, is the same distance as between the mouth and the roots of the hair." Once again, this rule applied to all 8 models.The three previous rules were helpful, but some of Davinci's formula didnt apply to our models......For instance, The space from the chin to the base of the nose e f is the third part of the face and equal to the length of the nose and to the forehead. This breaks the face up in to three equal parts....but it only applied to five of our models.
Finally, DaVinci stated, "From the eyebrow to the junction of the lip with the chin, and the angle of the jaw and the upper angle where the ear joins the temple will be a perfect square.......... Zero out of eight people formed a perfect square from the four points that DaVinci named. I am mentioning this because we should keep the relationship between these four points in the back of our mind when we draw from observation, but lets leave them out of our proportion formula. One of the biggest mistakes that students make when drawing the head from profile is the depth of the ear, or on other words, how far back it is from the face. I recently came across a website that stated that the ear is exactly half the distance between the face and the back of the head.......WRONG!!!! It is definitely further back than that. The green line measures the distance from the face to the midpoint of the ear and the red line measures the distance between the midpoint of the ear and the back of the head. I estimate that the midpoint of the ear is 55 to 70 percent of the distance from the face to the back of the head. Be sure to notice that there is a range of values rather than a universal rule, so we will have to average our answer. Now I am going to test a measurement from one of my former teachers at the Art Students League of New York who taught me that there is an imaginary equilateral triangle that connects the pupil, the back arch of the ear and the chin. When I tested this measurement, it existed in 7 of the 8 people I measured. However, there is a flaw to this system. Notice that the bottom point exists at different points on the jaw line. But overall, this measurement helps us see that it is usually an equal distance between the eyes and the chin, the eyes and the ear and the chin and the ear.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Step by Step drawing instruction. Learn to draw John Lennon from the Beatles.
Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=13483&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=461
WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

The Long and Winding Road of YouTube searches has brought you here and today, YOU are going to draw an excellent portrait of John Lennon with a little help from your friend Merrill of course. Under ideal circumstances I would want to hold your hand to directly assist you with this portrait; but since im a real Nowhere Man; your high speed internet connection and this step by step tutorial will have to do.

But Rest assured,we can work it out since this video is available to you on YouTube eight days a week! All that You will need ......Is Love, a pencil and workable listening skills. Ill take care of the rest. I recommend that you pause the video at the end of each step and hit the link in the video description to go to my cheat sheet for this video. It will definitely help you. Lets get started

Step 1: Draw the three shapes that you see. Notice that the three shapes resemble a childs drawing of a car.
Step 2: Make the two crescent moon shapes that I just added.
Step 3: Make the nose shape. Notice that the length of the nose is equal with the height of the forehead. Here is a close up
Step 4: Make the moustache and the mouth.
Step 5: Add the details that I just added to the eyes. Be sure to notice their placement within the frames of the glasses. Here is a close up.
Step 6: Observe and add the outline of John Lennon's face. Stop at the chin.
Step 7: Add the other side of John Lennon's face and then add the "P" shape.
Step 8: Add John's hair. But dont stress out if it's not perfect. Just let it be.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/index.php?part=fineart&articles_id=5315&collection=114 In this video, I will demonstrate how to build tones while drawing. I will teach you about drawing pencils and when and how to use them. And I will demonstrate the drawing technique of cross hatching. But, this time I am going to do something different....You have the option to follow along! I decided to go the extra mile and provide you with a worksheet for the final segment of this video. Take a second to go to http://merrillk.com and type in "shading resource"...print it out and do your best. We have a lot to cover, so lets start off with learning about pencils.

Key Points
- Start out with a light to neutral pencil and go darker as you go on.
- Each row of hatches should be done at a slightly different angle to the previous row.
-When you cross hatch you should build your tones up slowly
- You can differentiate your tones through adding pressure to the pencil but dont dent the paper or things will get more difficult.
- To make neat hatches, use the tip that I gave you (put a piece of paper by the edge)
-A slip sheet prevents smudges

This piece took me two hours to make! Take your time

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Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

A portrait of Vladimir (Wladimir) Lenin by Merrill Kazanjian. Dry Brush Oil painting on watercolor paper. I did a detailed pencil sketch on to the watercolor paper before laying down any paint. I am using Lamp Black oil paint (a black cooler in temperature). I am mixing the Lamp Black on Canvas paper. When I want to get a lighter tone, I mix the black with paint thinner (mineral spirits). When the black is more concentrated, it is darker. When the black is more diluted (with the mineral spirits) it does not have the same covering power and seems lighter in tone. FYI- Lenin died in 1924...but was NOT buried. He is "resting in state" for all to see in a mausoleum in Downtown Moscow. I used two round tipped brushes to do this artwork- One Size 5 medium and one Size three Medium. Both were (Synthetic) Sable. The only areas which I went dark black (pure paint no mineral spirits) right away were the eyes and the bottom of the eyebrows. I am working from three different reference images; all are within five years of his death. UMM.....yeah....thats Smirnoff Vodka to the left. To get inspired while drawing a Russian subject!!! Dont worry! Merrill RARELY gets "inspired" anymore! Kinda looks like Sean Connery now! ......But Lenin is not a "Shecks Shymbol" like "double O Sheven"..SHHHHHPLENDID! I usually finish the eyes first, but I wanted the eyes to be done last for Lenin, since his eyes are so intense. In other words, when the tones are set for the rest of the face, I can respond and stylize the eyes. When you darken the background, it allows you to draw more attention to the face. It also gives you a chance to "play up" the tones! The traditional approach is a criss cross- (Lighter side of face with darker background.....and vice versa) I am now putting on the finishing touches with prismacolor color pencils. Black White and Neutral Gray.
Music is by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com. Songs- Song of the Volga Boatmen, Padanaya Blokov and Amazing Plan. Портрет Владимира (Владимира) Ленина Merrill Kazanjian. Картина маслом на бумаге акварелью. Я сделал подробный эскиз карандашом на акварельной бумаги, прежде чем заложить вниз от краски. Я использую лампы Черного масляной краской (черный кулер температуры). Я смешивания Лампа черного на бумаге, холсте. Когда я хочу получить светлый оттенок, я сочетание черного с краски (уайт-спирита). Когда черный более концентрированной, она темнее. Когда черный ослабляется (с уайт-спирита) он не обладает такими же полномочиями покрытие и, кажется, легкие тона. FYI-Ленин умер в 1924 году ..., но не похоронили. Он "отдыхал в состоянии" на всеобщее обозрение в мавзолее в центре Москвы. Я использовал две круглые щетки наконечником для этого работа-One Размер 5 средних и один размер 3 среде. Оба они были (синтетические) Соболь. Только области, которые я пошел черными (чистые краски не-спирита) сразу же были глаза, и в нижней части брови. Я работаю с трех разных образах ведения; все они в течение пяти лет его смерти. УММ ..... да .... тот Водка Smirnoff налево. Чтобы получить вдохновение во время рисования в русское подданство! Dont беспокойтесь! Merrill редко получает "вдохновил" больше!

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

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Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
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(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

You've asked for it so here it is. This video will give you step by step instruction on how to draw Ms. Stefani Germanotta....also known as Lady Gaga. Grab your pencil and paper and pause the video at the end of each step and you will be able to draw her.

Step 1: Draw the shapes that you see. Notice that it is a slightly longer distance from the bottom of the sunglasses to the chin, than from the top of the sunglasses to the hairline.
Step 2: This shape does not have to be perfect so dont stress out. The hair is obviously widest at the bottom... but also notice that it is a similar distance from top of the head to the chin and from the chin to the bottom of the hair.
Step 3: In step three, we start to define Gaga's clothes. Also, add in the nose and some details to the sunglasses. There will be a close up of the face very soon if you cant see the details in this slide.
Step 4: Add the mouth and eyebrows.
Step 5: Add the details for the hair. Please note that the details do not have to be identical to mine.
Step 6: Add Lady Gaga's jacket.

This is the face detail slide. Take some time to check if your face proportions are correct.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Face Proportions For Portrait Drawing- Formula Hey welcome back everybody....Its Merrill, I recommend that you watch part 1 before you see part 2. Just click on the image if you havent seen part 1 yet.
This is a very important video for anyone who wants to learn portraiture. In this video, I will model the formula taught in part 1 to teach you how to draw a face from your memory. In order to make things easy to remember, I will demonstrate my process step by step. People who memorize these steps will be able to draw a human face from memory without a reference image. Lets get started.
Step 1: Draw an oval. Next put a horizontal line through the oval, slightly higher than the half way point. Then add four evenly spaced dots. These four dots will mark the inner and outer corners of each eye. Remember that there is one eye length in between the two eyes. It is imperative that the dots are evenly spaced. You will also need two bigger dots to mark the center of each eye.
Step 2: Now add a rectangular shape. The rectangle should be taller than it is wide. The corners of the rectangle should line up with the two dots that mark the center of each eye.
Step 3: Add the ears and eyebrows. The ears most often line up with the top of the eye and the bottom of the nose.
Step 4: Add the eye shape. Generalized eyes are almond shaped. You will see the bottom of the iris but not the top. Most eyes also have a second line for the eyelid above the eye.
Step 5: Add the nose. Notice that I did not add lines for the bridge of the nose. The only lines that exist on a nose are towards the bottom.
Step 6: Add the lips. Generally, the top lip is M shaped and smaller than the bottom one, which is bowl shaped. When the face is calm, the corners of the mouth usually does not line up with the middle of the eye.
Step 7: Add hair. Be creative.In this experiment, I have taken the most common formulas for facial proportion and tested them on a group of people in a similar pose. I used a computer program to help me take accurate measurements. I made sure that my control group was comprised of both males and females and were of many different races.

So lets get started with a very common proportion rule. The question is- Is it one eye length between each eye? The answer, as you can see, is yes. But this was the only rule that I found to be universally correct.

Lets stick with the eyes for question 2. It is often stated that it is five eye lengths across the face. It turns out that for 9 of the 10 people that I tested, that rule is incorrect. I found that if you included the width of the ear on to the face, then that rule would be closer to true, but definitely not universal. Of the control group, only one person, had a fit, so we can conclude that this proportion does exist, but it does not fit the majority of people and thus, shouldn't be part of a drawing formula.

I recently saw on the internet that the outer corners of the nose, should line up with the inner corners of the eye. Only one of 10 people that I tested proved that proportion to be true. There were also two people who came close. Once again, we can conclude that this proportion does exist, but it does not fit the majority of people and thus, shouldn't be part of a drawing formula. Most often, the outer nose lined up where the tear ducts met the white of the eye. For the record, I hope that the lady in the bottom left never catches a cold.

Question four asks: Does the pupil and iris line up with the corners of the mouth when the face is calm? I will warn you that this was the most difficult to answer, because the mouth is the most variable feature of the face. The shape slightly differs from person to person and it moves a lot. I found that only two people had eyes and mouths which lined up, but, everybody except the gentleman on the top left was extremely close. So, despite the results, I would include this measurement for a general face proportion formula, but I would also be sure to observe the person who I am drawing to get my answer. It is also important to note that 8 of the 10 peoples mouths fit between the lines drawn down from the middle of each eye.

Since question five is related to the placement of the ears, I changed a few of the photos in the control group. In order to gauge this, I had to be able to see the ears clearly. Most portrait formulas state that the ears go from the top of the eye to the bottom of the nose. This turned out to be a pretty accurate statement. Question six is directly related to question five and asks whether the nose and the ears are generally the same size. Although there were only two exact measurements, every other person was very close in measurement. So we can conclude that it is Accurate to say that the ear generally

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This video will teach you how to draw a vintage 1980's floating Chuck Norris head.......and whether you admit it or not...... you always wanted to learn how to draw a vintage 1980's floating Chuck Norris head. So pick up a pencil and be very afraid. Listen to every word that I say, because if you mess up, Chuck is going to find you. And its gonna get bloody fast. In fact, Chuck Norris likes his meat so rare he only eats unicorn. But if you listen to me, you wont mess up. And Chuck wont kill you and all will be right in the universe.

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Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Step 1: Make this circle with a trapezoid on top. It will become his facial hair which Chuck first grew at the age of 18.......seconds.
Step 2: Now that is Chuck Norris' nose. Notice that it is about the same height as the circle from step 1. Chuck uses his nose to smell fear in people and objects. In fact, Chuck Norris doesn't flush toilets, he scares the shit out of them.
Step 3: That crescent moon shape is Chuck's beard. Notice that it goes to the top of the nose shape. Be very careful with this step or it might start growing out of your paper. If it does, leave the room immediately and call poison control.
Step 4: Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Add his eyes if you dare, but dont stare at them too long. Just quickly notice that there is about one eye length between them.
Step 5: Look at that hair. Despite spending decades of time on abdominal training devices, and singlehandedly providing salt to the Pacific Ocean through his sweat glands, Chuck Norris has locks that would make Jon Bon Jovi jealous. Notice the general shape of his hair and draw it. Be sure to spend extra time on the shape of the face rather than the outline of the hair.
Step 6: Add Chuck Norris' mouth to make him resemble a bad assed version of Jesus.
Step 7: Add the shadows on the upper part of the face.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=12942&act=artist1&artist=69&collection

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
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This is my first step by step painting video. The subject is James Hetfield from Metallica and were going to do a drybrush portrait. You'll need watercolor paper, black oil paint, mineral spirits, a kneaded eraser and some bristle brushes. The supply list and a cheat sheet to this painting is listed on my website, so be sure to hit the link in the video description. I'm still going to lead you through this process step by step. To begin, you will need a pencil.

Step 1: Draw the shape that you see. It sort of looks like a caption cloud.
Step 2: Add the four shapes that you see for the eyes and eyebrows. Notice how they fit in to the shape from step one.
Step 3: Add the trapezoidal shape. The bottom of this shape will be the mouth line.
Step 4: is not as tricky as it looks. The mouth and the moustache make a mushroom shape and the nose connects the eye shape to the mushroom shape. The space in between the two shapes is for a shadow.
Step 5: Add the shape for the top of the hair. If this was the 1980's you would need bigger paper.
Step 6: No! That's not hard! It all depends on how you look at it......Your welcome.
Step 7: Draw the other hand.
Step 8: Draw the shirt line.
Step 9: Complete the shape of the head and add the C shape for the ear. Use the eye shape as a guide to where she C shape is drawn.
Step 10: Add the highlight shape by the mouth.
Step 11: Is the trickiest shape. Here is a close up to help you. Spend some extra time to observe the placement of each shape and then draw.
Step 12: Is optional. If you wish, add the shading for the hand. Know that the placement of this shading does not have to be perfect.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

LINK- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=3731&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=461 Today, YOU will be drawing President Barack Obama- So grab a pencil and some paper. This video will show you step by step how to draw President Obama. Each step will be shown in two second intervals. Pause each step, as you need to or download a print version of this lesson from my website, http://merrillk.com. Feel free to save a copy to your computer and print it. Give it a try. I think that you are going to surprise yourself! Use your eraser if its TIME FOR A CHANGE. Good luck!- Merrill Kazanjian
The song Hail to the Chief was performed by the United States Air Force Band.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

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