
Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Artist Merrill Kazanjian documents the creation of one of his mixed media artworks. Time lapse video- 1 hour in to one minute. The Drill Sergeant was made by, 1.) Pencil 2.) Prismacolor, Decocolor, and AD markers 3.) Color Pencil and 4.) Oil Paint Merrill Kazanjian artista documenta la creación de uno de sus personajes. Lapso de tiempo de vídeo-1 hora en un minuto. El Sargento hizo, 1.) Lápiz 2.) Prismacolor, Decocolor, marcadores y AD 3.) Lápiz de color y 4.) La pintura de aceite 아티스트 메릴린치 Kazanjian 자신의 캐릭터의 창조 문서. 시간 경과 비디오 - 1 시간에 1 분 정도. 훈련 교관으로되었다 1.) 연필 2.) Prismacolor, Decocolor, 광고 마커 3.) 컬러 연필과 4.) 오일 페인트 アーティストメリルカザンジャン彼の文字の1つのドキュメントの作成。経過時間1時間のビデオには約1分。軍曹は、ドリルで、作られた1 。 )鉛筆2 。 ) Prismacolor 、 Decocolor 、広告マーカー3 。 )カラーペンと4 。 )オイルペイント Artiste Merrill Kazanjian documents de la création de l'un de ses personnages. Laps de temps vidéo-1 heure à une minute. Le Drill Sergeant a été faite par, 1.) Pencil 2.) Prismacolor, Decocolor, AD et marqueurs 3.) Crayon de couleur et 4.) Peinture à l'huile Artista Merrill Kazanjian documenti la creazione di uno dei suoi personaggi. Lasso di tempo video-1 ora per un minuto. Il trapano è stata fatta da sergente, 1). Matita 2.) Prismacolor, Decocolor, marcatori e AD 3.) Colore Matita e 4.) Olio Paint Kunstenaar Merrill Kazanjian documenten het ontstaan van een van zijn personages. Time lapse video-1 uur in een minuut. De sergeant is gemaakt door van 1.) Potlood 2.) Prismacolor, Decocolor, en AD markers 3.) Kleur Potlood en 4.) Olieverf
Artista Merrill Kazanjian documentos a criação de um de seus personagens. Hora lapso 1 hora de vídeo em um minuto. O sargento foi feita por Broca, 1.) Lápis 2.) Prismacolor, Decocolor, e AD marcadores 3.) Cor Lápis e 4.) Oil Paint الفنان ميريل لKazanjian وثائق إنشاء واحدة من الشخصيات. الفاصل الزمني الفيديو (1) في الساعة لمدة دقيقة واحدة. التدريبات أدلى الرقيب (1) قلم الرصاص 2). Prismacolor ، Decocolor وعلامات 3 م.) لون قلم الرصاص ، و 4). الطلاء النفط

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Learn how to draw the emotion of anger in a portrait.

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Petition- We need a visual arts category on YouTube- http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

Rant 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkyS83A9cQk (creative commons)
Rant 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qxj32QefYAE (creative commons)

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

I documented the steps that I took to draw/paint a friend of mine. Local (Queens NYC) Baseball/Stickball/Handball legend Joseph "KJ" Alexander Moretti.

Mixed Media- I started out with a drawing, then used Prismacolor Illustration markers, then color pencils, then oil paint and finally, I finished my artwork with Photoshop.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

What do you get if you merge the likenesses of six hockey players? (Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, Teemu Sellane, Henrik Zetterberg) Click to find out!I used Photoshop CS3 and Paint Shop Pro 9 to merge the faces of these movie superheroes. I depended heavily on the digital scissor/ quick selection and magic wand tools as well as the smudge brush and the lighten and darken tool. Qu'est-ce que vous obtenez si vous fusionnez les portraits des six joueurs de hockey? (Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, Teemu Sellane, Henrik Zetterberg) Cliquez pour le savoir! J'ai utilisé Photoshop CS3 et Paint Shop Pro 9 de fusionner les visages de ces super-héros de cinéma. Je comptais beaucoup sur les ciseaux jeremy roenick milbury eurotrash comment vancouver olympics numérique / sélection rapide et baguette magique des outils ainsi que la brosse et la tache alléger et d'assombrir l'outil. Vad får du om du kopplar likheten av sex hockeyspelare? (Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, Teemu Sellane, Henrik Zetterberg) Klicka för att ta reda på! Jag använde Photoshop CS3 och Paint Shop Pro 9 för att slå ihop ansikten film superhjältar. Jag berodde i hög grad på den digitala sax / snabbval och trollspö verktyg samt smutsar pensel och ljusare och mörkare verktyg. Mitä saat, jos yhdistää likenesses kuuden pelaajan NHL? (Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, Teemu Sellane, Henrik Zetterberg) Klikkaa selville! Käytin Photoshop CS3 ja Paint Shop Pro 9 yhdistää kasvot näiden elokuvan supersankareita. Olen riippui vahvasti digitaaliseen leikkaava / nopea valinta ja taikasauva välineitä sekä sotkea harjalla ja vaalentaa ja tummentaa työkalu. Hva får du hvis du flette likhet seks hockeyspillere? (Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, Teemu Sellane, Henrik Zetterberg) Klikk for å finne ut! Jeg brukt Photoshop CS3 og Paint Shop Pro 9 til å flette ansiktene til disse filmen superhelter. Jeg var avhengig tungt på digitale tannsett / rask utvalg og tryllestav verktøy samt smudge pensel og lysere og mørkere verktøyet. Что вы получите, если объединить подобия шесть хоккеистов? (Уэйн Грецки, Сидни Кросби, Алекс Овечкин, Теему Sellane, Хенрик Зеттерберг) Нажмите, чтобы узнать! Я использовал Photoshop CS3 и Paint Shop Pro 9 объединить лица этих фильмах супергерои. Я сильно зависят от цифровых Scissor / быстрого отбора и волшебная палочка, инструменты, а также размазать кистью и облегчить и темнеет инструментом. Co získáte, pokud vracíte podobizny šest hokejistů? (Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, Teemu Sellane, Henrik Zetterberg) Kliknutím zjistit! Jsem používal Photoshop CS3 a Paint Shop Pro 9 sloučit tváře těchto film superhrdiny. I závisela těžce na digitální nůžek / rychlý výběr a kouzelná hůlka nástrojů, stejně jako šmouha kartáčem a zesvětlit a ztmavení nástroj. Was bekommen Sie, wenn Sie die Bildnisse von sechs Hockeyspieler fusionieren? (Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Alex Ovechkin, Teemu Sellane, Henrik Zetterberg) Click to find out! Ich habe Photoshop CS3 und Paint Shop Pro 9 zu verschmelzen die Gesichter dieser Film Superhelden. Ich hänge sehr stark von der digitalen Schere / Schnellauswahl und Zauberstab-Tools sowie die Bürste und der Fleck heller und dunkler Werkzeug.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=8446&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=114 George W. Bush.........Some people love him............(Applause) And others hate him......Kunst (Hipster Character)- "George Effing Bush I despise you"..." No child left behind took all of the art teaching jobs away and has adversely affected my hipster lifestyle." And the two sides seem to hate each other..........General Character: "Stealth Bomber, Put that hipster out of his misery". (Stealth Bomber flies over Williamsburg, Brooklyn) Kunst (Hipster)- I cant even afford to be a vegan anymore....(Boom)
George W. Bush: Thank you for the introduction-.....You're welcome George! Strong opinions can inspire powerful works of art, so for the remainder of this video, I am going to help you draw a portrait of the most controversial man in the world. I promise to leave my personal politics aside so that I can help you create a great drawing. It doesn't matter if you have ever studied art before. If you to follow the instructions, and take your time, you'll be amazed at the quality of your work.
Before we start, I recommend that you hit the link in the video description to download a step by step cheat sheet with pictures and text that will accompany the narration of this video.
Also, please subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already. Just click on the Little Old Man in front of the Stealth Bomber..... Lets Begin.
Step 1.) Observe, then draw the shape that you see. This will be President Bush's forehead. Notice that the eyebrow region is similar to how a child draws a bird.
Step 2.) Observe, then put in the two shapes for Dubya's hair. Take your time and compare the size of each shape.
Step 3.) Its time to put in Dubya's peepers. Instead of just focusing on the eye, I put in the entire eye region.
Step 4.) In step four, I added the bottom of the nose. Take your time to notice the spacing between the eye shapes and the line for the nose.
Step 5.) Add the wrinkle lines to the side of the nose and President Bush's mouth. Notice that the region between the top lip and the bottom of the nose is trapezoidal. Also notice that the former President's top lip is extremely thin and that the bottom lip is only slightly thicker than the center part, where his teeth are.
Step 6.) Add the chin to your drawing. Also, notice the extra shadow line that I added.
Step 7.) Add the neck shape and the two ears. Don't stress too much about the shape of the neck, but know that most caricatures of the former President, portray him with big ears. Democrats and Republicans can both agree that Dubya has some prominent cartilage on the side of his head.
Step 8.) Add the teeth. Be sure to notice the strong shadow on the sides of the mouth but resist the urge to go too dark between each tooth.
Step 9.) Spend some extra time on step 9. Add in President Bush's eyes and eyebrows. His eyes seem smaller than the average person and there is slightly less space between them than most people. Also, be sure to notice that there is only a small amount of space between the eyes and eyebrows. Finally, add more detail than usual to the region under each eye.
The shading part covers proper ways to erase with a kneaded eraser and covers strategies for shading President Bush's face. President Bush was in his early sixties when the reference image was shot. Coincidentally, he has more wrinkles and areas of tone and gradation on his face (when compared to a person who is younger.....or injected with plastic LOL). He still has a lot of hair, but it is thinner and greyer than somebody who is younger. The hairline should be shaded as a gradual transition between the forehead and the hair. Darkest areas of his hair are the part, the upper temple region and the area above the ear. The President's Eyes are lighter in color, but still remain one of the darker tones on the face. His eyebrows are low and there is barely any space between the top of the eyes and the eyebrows. To add the actual tones, I use cross hatching and smudging with a tortillion and paintbrush (use a q-tip if you dont have either). To achieve the darker tones, I use a 4B and a 7B pencil. Most of the shading was done with a #2 (HB) Pencil. Use a slip sheet to prevent the oils from your hand from reaching the surface of the paper. how to drawn a man step by step

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Barry Channel: http://youtube.com/barrypfinnegan2
A live stream interview with Barry Jazz Finnegan

Special thanks to Thad Taylor, from YouTube Art News- http://youtube.com/thadtaylorart

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=13277&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=462

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

William "Will" Turner, Jr. is a central character in the first three titles of the Pirates of the Caribbean film series produced by Walt Disney Pictures. He is played by Orlando Bloom (and as a child by Dylan Smith in the movie's prologue). Will is a blacksmith's apprentice working in Port Royal. He secretly loves the governor's daughter, Elizabeth Swann (played by Keira Knightley), although he occupies a lower social class than she. Will is an exceptional swordsman, although he lacks actual combat experience. Although mild mannered, Will is brave, as seen when he confronts Captain Jack Sparrow in a sword fight and by his response to Barbossa's attack on Port Royal. He is loyal to those he cares about and would risk everything to protect them, especially Elizabeth. This trait is seen throughout the films as Will's character develops more by his reaction to unforeseen circumstances rather than his personal ambition or deliberate choices. Most likely he would have continued plying his trade, never presuming to rise above his current station, pining for the woman he believes he can never have. At his best, Will is clever, heroic, and courageous and never shirks responsibility or leaves an obligation unfulfilled. He can also be preoccupied and brooding and, early on, demonstrated rather simplistic and naïve views, although his character gradually matures and deepens into a more complex and worldly man as the films progress. Will's final costume in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is reminiscent of Errol Flynn's swashbuckler movie roles. There is also a nod to Douglas Fairbanks when Turner uses his knife to glide down the ship's sail in Dead Man's Chest, just as Fairbanks did in the 1926 film, The Black Pirate.

Will is about 20 years old as the series begins. He has medium length, brown hair, worn loose or tied back in a short ponytail, brown eyes, white skin. In the first movie, he wears a puffy-sleeved white shirt, a simple brown jerkin, brown breeches, thick brown stockings and leather shoes with metal buckles. He also wears a grey, wide-brimmed hat with a white feather through the back of it, a belt buckle around the top of it, and a design bordering the edges. In the second and third movies he wears various outfits including a fashionable suit and tricorne hat for his wedding that is of a typical style for upper-class gentlemen from his era. In the second film, he also wore a leather jacket over a white shirt, breeches, and, as requested by Orlando Bloom, boots. In both sequels, he is also seen wearing a leather cord necklace with what appear to be charms and other trinkets hanging from it. In the third film, he predominantly wears a puffy-sleeved maroon shirt, a black coat, dark breeches, and leather boots. Sometime between Dead Man's Chest and At World's End, Will acquires a tiny gold-hoop earring that he wears throughout the third film. Just after Will becomes immortal, he appears in a green bandana and a bit of blue eye make-up. His hair changes from slightly oily and wavy in the first and second movie to dryer and fuller, possibly the effects of sailing. In one scene in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl when Turner and Jack are fighting in the blacksmith's shop, there is a glimpse of Orlando Bloom's wrist tattoo of the Elvish word for "nine". Bloom and the other actors except John Rhys-Davies who comprised the nine "Fellowship of the Ring" members in The Lord of the Rings trilogy have this same tattoo to commemorate their participation in the films. While some felt his tattoo should have been covered for his "Pirates" role, the producers simply stated, "Will has a 'pretty' tattoo on his wrist."

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE Petition- http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

- For the first time in history, artists from around the world are communicating with each other and learning from each other.
- We can not only see each others work but often, we can see how the work was made.
- The master artists of this generation are exhibiting their work on youtube right now.
- This is unprecedented in history.
Artists of the past have their work exhibited in museums and museums have overflowed with generations of masterpieces. Our generation has YouTube. Yes, it is a museum. Think about it. Even major museums are exhibiting on YouTube right now. The current generation of artists has more expressive possibilities of artistic media than generations of the past, and I think that we have carried on arts rich tradition. Here are 20 examples of what I consider to be, Master art work. Click on any of the annotated links and they will open in a new tab.

But does YouTube fully understand the scope of what its created?

That question will be answered in time. But as of right now there is no category specifically for visual artists. The closest three categories are howto and style, education and film and animation. Howto and style is dominated by make up tutorials, workout videos and fashion tips. The Education category does not mention the visual arts and that is especially scary in a time when so many schools have totally eliminated the arts from their curriculums. Film and animation is the closest match but its classification is much more limiting than a Visual Arts category.

It is time to mobilize people. A Visual Arts category would mean a lot more views for all of us. And if you think about it, that is all an artist ever asks. They want a chance to create and to be seen. Just like how a poet uses words, we use imagery to communicate. And many have said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It is my new years resolution to help YouTube realize that it needs a visual arts category. But the good thing about YouTube is that they do listen. Think of how they are always asking for feedback.

So what is the plan, Merrill? I am going to ask you to consider doing two things. One.....Post a V-Log telling YouTube why they need a visual arts category. I don't care if you are Mark Crilley with over 400,000 subscribers or if you joined YouTube yesterday. If you are tired of ranking behind 10 pages of make up tutorials, do a V-Log and either post it to this video or mail it to me. I will put your v-logs in to a playlist which I will attempt to present to YouTube.

Two.....leave a comment in the youtube forum. I recommend going to the forum that I linked to in the video description. My friend Teresa Richardson, who has the fourth largest arts channel on YouTube already started this conversation in this forum. If there is enough comments, an administrator might respond. I encourage you to keep your comments positive and take the perspective that YouTube has given us a great thing, but we want to suggest a way to make it better.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This video will teach you how to draw the greatest Rubiks Cube teacher in the world. Mr. Dan Brown.....Also known as Pogobat,......Before I say another word, I would like to confess that I once peeled the stickers on my rubiks cube and then rearranged them to look like I solved it. I gained nothing out of that experience. But I did carry it around to impress my friends. Today, you are going to watch a tutorial that ...... if I do my job......... portraiture will be as easy as peeling stickers from a rubiks cube.....But you will gain than I did when I cheated on the rubiks cube. You will learn that you can draw anything if you learn how to break images down in to shapes.......And then put those shapes together like a puzzle. Ill show you what I mean. Grab a pencil and paper. Lets begin.

Step 1: Cut a piece of paper in to a perfect square.
Step 2: Make a long oval that is tilted towards your left. Pay extra close attention to how it is situated within the square. Use the borders of the square to help you make this shape.
Step 3: Add the crescent moon shape. Notice that it overlaps the oval shape. Again, use the borders of the square as a guide to help you situate the crescent moon shape.
Step 4: Make the shape for the neck below the oval shape from step two.
Step 5: Wait! Hold up! Don't go Pogobat! Yes, I gave you a lot of new shapes, but these barely matter for the likeness. Put them in as closely as you can but don't stress it.
Step 6: Divide the oval shape in half.
Step 7: Add the shape for the bottom of the nose. Connect it with the line that crosses the middle of the face.
Step 8: Add the anger lines to the nose. This is an awesome picture to learn the facial expression of rage. I guess this time he didnt solve the rubiks cube.
Step 9: Wait! Whats that thing on his nose? Its called rage! The muscles on your face pull the bottom of your nose up and backwards. And this small shape is created. Here is a close up. Add rage now.
Step 10: I just added the eye shapes. Before you draw, notice the X shape that is happening between the eyebrows and the anger lines.
Step 11: Add the angry M shape for the upper lip.
Step 12: Add the angry W shape for the lower lip.
Step 13: Add the shape for the hair.
Step 14: The ears go from the top of the eyes to the bottom of the nose.
Step 15: Add horns that will make the dude from Skyrim jealous.
Step 16: Add the eyebrows.
Step 17: Add the upper eyelid.
Step 18: Complete the upper eyelid by making it a banana shape.
Step 19: The eyes are half circles. Make them narrow half circles.
Step 20: Add the shapes under the eye.
Step 21: Now its time for teeth. Make 6 teeth visible in the upper row and center 2. The gum line is about 3/4 the height of the middle teeth.
Step 22: Add the lower row of teeth. Notice that there is no gum line.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

YouTube Art News is a monthly video show that communicates relevant news to YouTube artists while highlighting the talent of the Visual Arts Community on YouTube. New Episodes on the 15th of every month on http://youtube.com/user/kazanjianm

The YouTube Art News Team
http://youtube.com/orangemonkey92 (Subscriber Rankings)
http://youtube.com/thadtaylorart (2D Segment)
http://youtube.com/joshwaddey16 (Viral Art Video Segment)
http://youtube.com/yozcreative (Underviewed Artist Segment)
http://youtube.com/tylersartshack/ (Crashing Computers)

How to Create Auto Tags- http://simplevloggingtips.com/video-tags/

Matt Toast Segment (Maxpower285) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd-flm0HM2s&feature=plcp

(Joshwaddey16) Beast mode Segment: http://www.youtube.com/user/ClifFroth

Tyler segment: MarkCrilley Sophiechan90 collaboration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNObZAm_XZU&feature=plcp

Thad Segment- (SplinteredStudios) http://youtube.com/splinteredstudios

Yoz Segment-
1.) http://youtube.com/gavinodonnellart
2.) http://youtube.com/clayguy1

CartoonBlock / Ty Moss collaboration- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEqWsdr34yQ

YouTube's official stance on collaborating-

Focus on watch time: http://youtubecreator.blogspot.....com/2012/08/youtube

Annotations now in YouTube Insight: http://www.reelseo.com/youtube....-insight-analytics-o

Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

Art Supplies I Use in my Art Work- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

YouTube Visual Arts Category Petition: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This is a mixed media portrait of youtube user BronyaCovooper. He is a sculptor, and a musician! The music in the background is by his former band Jonny and the Shamen. Check out his page here . I used a mixed media approach to create this portrait. Here were the steps.....
1.) pencil
2.) then I used prismacolor markers
3.) followed by color pencil (prismacolor)
4.) then I scanned what I did so far and opened it up in.....
5.) Photoshop- (digital adjustments)
6.) Printed on a wide format printer
7.) 1 more layer of color pencil
8.) Oil paint
9.) Photoshop
To see more of my work or to commission me for a portrait/youtube video contact me through my website Merrillk.com Thanks, Merrill Kazanjian Este es un retrato de medios mixtos de múltiples talentos de usuario de YouTube BronyaCovooper. Él es un destacado escultor, y un músico ridículamente bueno! La música en el fondo es por su anterior banda Jonny y el Chamán. Echa un vistazo a su página aquí http://youtube.com/bronyacovooper. He utilizado una técnica mixta enfoque para crear este retrato. Éstos fueron los pasos ..... 1.) Lápiz 2.) Entonces yo utilizaron marcadores Prismacolor 3.) Seguido por Lápiz de color (Prismacolor) 4.) Entonces yo lo que hice escaneados hasta el momento y lo abrió para arriba adentro .... 5.) Photoshop (ajuste digital) 6.) Impreso en una impresora de gran formato 7.) 1 capa más de Lápiz de color 8.) Pintura al óleo 9.) Photoshop Para ver más de mi trabajo o de la Comisión me para un retrato / YouTube Video en contacto conmigo a través de mi sitio web Gracias Merrillk.com, Merrill Kazanjian これは、マルチのミックスメディアの肖像画、YouTubeユーザーBronyaCovooper才能です。彼は優秀な彫刻家は、途方もなく良いミュージシャンです!バックグラウンドで音楽を彼の元バンドのジョニーとはシャーマンです。ここで彼のページをチェックhttp://youtube.com/bronyacovoo....per。私は、ミックスメディアを使用した 5。)Photoshopの(デジタル調整)6。)プリントワイドフォーマットプリンタ7日)水彩画8 1複数のレイヤ。)オイル9でペイント。)Photoshopの肖像画は私の作品の詳細や手数料は私に確認するには/私のウェブサイトMerrillk.comおかげで、メリルリンチカザンジャンを介して、私に連絡のYouTube動画 דאָס איז אַ געמישט מעדיע פּאָרטרעט פון מאַלטי טאַלאַנטירט יאָוטובע באַניצער בראָניאַקאָוואָאָפּער. ער איז אַן בוילעט סקולפּטאָר, און אַ ראַדיקיאַלאַסלי גוט קלעזמער! די מוזיק אין דער הינטערגרונט איז דורך זיין פרייערדיק באַנד דזשאָנני און די שאַמאַן. טשעק אויס זיין בלאַט דאָ-http://youtube.com/bronyacovooper. איך געוויינט אַ געמישט וויקיפּעדיע צוגאַנג צו זיך דעם פּאָרטרעט. דאָ זענען די סטעפּס ..... 1.) בלייער 2.) דעריבער האָב איך גענוצט פּריסמאַקאָלאָר מאַרקערס 3.) פאַלאָוד דורך קאָליר בלייער (פּריסמאַקאָלאָר) 4.) דאַן האָב איך סקאַנד וואָס איך האָט אַזוי ווייט און אָופּאַנד עס זיך ין .... 5.) פאָטאָשאָפּ-(דיגיטאַל אַדזשאַסטמאַנץ) 6.) פּרינטעד אויף אַ ברייט פֿאָרמאַט דרוקער 7.) 1 מער שיכטע פון קאָליר בלייער 8.) אָיל פאַרב 9.) פאָטאָשאָפּ צו זען מער פון מיין אַרבעט אָדער צו קאָמיסיע מיר פֿאַר אַ פּאָרטרעט / יאָוטובע ווידעא קאָנטאַקט מיר דורך מיין וועבזייטל Merrillk.com דאַנקען, מעררילל קאַזאַנדזשיאַן

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

What happens when the faces of three dictators are merged? Megazord and the Power Rangers have nothing on "Hugmadenijong ill". Check out this video to see some tradigital artwork by artist Merrill Kazanjian. It is done in time lapse (2 hours in to 2 minutes). I started out with the computer program Paint Shop Pro 8 (a stone age version of Photoshop) to cut and arrange a photomontage. Next, I printed on thick paper. After that, I tied it together with a layer of color pencil. Finally, I put the finishing touches on with oil paint. The method that I use is called Tradigital Art. It combines traditional media (paint, pencil) with digital media (computer applications and digital photography).
¿Qué sucede cuando los rostros de los tres dictadores se fusionan? Megazord y el Power Rangers no tienen nada de "Hugmadenijong malos". Echa un vistazo a este vídeo para ver algunas obras de arte por el artista tradigital Merrill Kazanjian. Se hace en lapso de tiempo (2 horas a 2 minutos). Yo empecé con el programa Paint Shop Pro 8 (edad de piedra una versión de Photoshop) para cortar y arreglar un fotomontaje. A continuación, impresa en papel grueso. Después de esto, lo ataron junto con una capa de lápiz de color. Por último, quiero poner los toques finales a la pintura de aceite. El método que utilizo se llama Tradigital art. En ella se combinan medios de comunicación tradicionales (pintura, lápiz) con medios digitales (y las aplicaciones de fotografía digital).
Что происходит, когда стоят три диктаторы объединяются? Megazord и власть Рейнджерс ничего о "Hugmadenijong плохо". Проверьте это видео посмотреть tradigital произведения художника Merrill Kazanjian. Он происходит в промежуток времени (2 часа 2 минуты). Я начал с компьютерной программы Paint Shop Pro 8 (камень возрастом версии Photoshop) сократить и организовать фотомонтаж. Далее, я напечатаны на толстой бумаге. После этого, я привязал его вместе с слоем цветной карандаш. Наконец, я поставлю штрихи с масляной краской. Методы, которые я использую, называется Tradigital ст. Она сочетает в себе традиционные средства (краски, карандаш) с цифровых носителей (компьютерные программы и цифровые фотографии).
会发生什么事时,面临着三个独裁者合并? Megazord和电力骑兵没有关于 Hugmadenijong虐待 。看看这部影片可以看到一些tradigital插图艺术家美林Kazanjian 。这是在时间间隔( 2小时2分钟) 。我开始了与计算机程序油漆店专业版8 (石器时代版Photoshop )削减和安排剪辑。接下来,我上印厚纸。在此之后,我将比分扳平,加上一层彩色铅笔。最后,我把整理涉及的油漆。这种方法,我使用被称为Tradigital艺术。它结合了传统媒体(油漆,铅笔)与数字媒体(计算机应用和数码摄影) 。
Qu'est-ce qui se passe lorsque les visages de trois dictateurs sont fusionnées? Megazord et les Power Rangers ont rien sur "Hugmadenijong malade". Check out this video pour voir des oeuvres d'art par l'artiste tradigital Merrill Kazanjian. Il est fait en laps de temps (2 heures à 2 minutes). J'ai commencé avec le programme Paint Shop Pro 8 (l'âge de pierre une version de Photoshop) à couper et organiser un photomontage. Ensuite, j'ai imprimé sur du papier épais. Après cela, j'ai attaché ensemble d'une couche de couleur au crayon. Enfin, j'ai mis la dernière touche à la peinture à l'huile. La méthode que j'utilise est appelé Tradigital Art. Il combine les médias traditionnels (peinture, crayon), avec des médias numériques (applications informatiques et de la photographie numérique).ماذا يحدث عندما ثلاثة وجوه الطغاة دمجها؟ Megazord وليس لها القدرة على رينجرز "Hugmadenijong سوء". راجع هذا الفيديو لمشاهدة بعض الأعمال الفنية من قبل الفنان tradigital ميريل لKazanjian. ومن ذلك في الفاصل الزمني (2 ساعة 2 دقيقة). لقد بدأت مع برنامج كمبيوتر الطلاء تتسوق برو 8 (أ العصر الحجري نسخة فوتوشوب) لخفض ترتيب وتركيب الصورة. المقبل ، وأنا مطبوعة على ورقة سميكة. بعد ذلك ، أود أن التعادل مع طبقة من لون قلم رصاص. وأ

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://merrillk.com/?part=fineart&articles_id=11497&act=artist1&artist=69&collection=230
WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Phase 1: I began this oil portrait with a pencil sketch on drawing paper. This is very unorthodox (when compared to painting techniques of the past) because oil portraits are usually done on canvas or wood panel and any sketching is done with vine charcoal. Paint becomes more transparent in time and pencils lines will eventually be seen through a painting as it ages. The vine charcoal will blend with oil paint but pencil will not. I have a very creative fix to this problem (as you will see in the coming steps).
Phase 2: The second step of a traditional painting is usually an underpainting with brown paint (usually burnt sienna). Underpaintings give painters an opportunity to build masses with paint (turn thin lines from drawing instruments in to blocks of tone, with the help of a paint brush). Underpaintings also allow artists to build tones. I use gray illustration markers rather than oil paint, because of the speed in which I can apply it (no mixing / superior drying time) I recommend the Warm and Cool Grays Marker Set listed below if you wish to try my technique.Chartpak Ad Marker Set: Warm and Cool Grays- Set of 25 A single nib with three distinct line weights. These waterproof, permanent, solvent-based markers deliver brilliant, sparkling color in fine point, medium weight, or broad strokes, with just a shift of the wrist. From crisply articulated tight comps to broadly expressive illustrations, one marker gives you all the lines you need. Phase 3: To build skin tones, I used flesh tone Chartpak AD Illustration Markers. These markers can create wonderful works of art when used alone, but I used them as a quick means to color my drawing (soon to be painting). Flesh tone Markers Flesh Tone and Gray Markers Pantone Prismacolor Ad Chartpak. Phase 4: Next, I added a layer of Prismacolor Color Pencils. Prismas are translucent and very mixable. The fine point of the color pencil helped me get great details for the features of the face (fine tipped paint brushes ALWAYS RUN OUT OF PAINT!!!!)Phase 5: Scan. Here is where things get interesting! I scanned my drawing to edit on my computer (clean it up). Below is the updated version of the scanner I used. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of it and I love it!HP Designjet 510 24" Printer Fast printing: up to 3.5 min/page color A1/D size on coated media, 55 sec/page line drawings Prints HP-GL/2 and PLT files with click of a button Ideal for in-house printing of high-quality CAD drawings. Phase 7: Now it is time for some painting!!!! I used the oil paint colors Ultramarine Blue, Venetian Red, Titanium White, Flake White, Transparent Earth Orange, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Gold Ochre, Olive Green, Raw Siena, Lamp Black, Asphaltum, Caucasian Flesh Tone, and Alizarin Crimson Permanent. I started with the highlight areas I mixed a lot of Flake White in to the areas on the cheek (with the other colors. The ears and the lips recieved a lot of Cad. Red and Alizarin Crimson mixed with olive green and Tit. White and Lamp Black, Phase 7: (continued) The shadow areas were glazed (click on the image below to go to a video on how to glaze) Glazing is adding multiple layers of transparent paint atop opaque paint (see video).Accents on the Figure Set

This set offers painters nine colors based on accents from Gamblin's own Figure palette. The set contains the following materials: 9 oil colors in 37 ml (1.25 oz) tubes, including one each of Ultramarine Blue, Venetian Red, Flake White Replacement, Transparent Earth Orange, Gold Ochre, Olive Green, Asphaltum, Caucasian Flesh Tone, and Alizarin Permanent 2 oz (59 ml) of Galkyd SD 2 oz (59 ml) of Gamsol 2 oz (59 ml) of Neo Megilp Additional free sample oil color A DVD, "Navigating Color Space" Informational sheets and color chartsThis set contains an assortment of brushes and oil paints that are ideal for the beginning portrait artist. Each brush contains the finest hog bristles, a nickel-plated ferrule, and a long polished handle. The set includes the following materials: 8 filbert brushes, including two each of sizes 2 and 6, and one each of sizes 4, 8, 10, and 12 1 round brush, size 10 10 Pro-Mix assorted portrait oil colors in 37 ml (1.25 oz) tubes, including one each of Dark 1, Dark 2, Halftone 1, Halftone 2, Light 1, Light 2, Light 3, Neutral 3, Neutral 5, and Neutral 7

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Hey Its Merrill. I "Speak Now" to tell you that this video will teach you how to fill a "Blank Space" with a painted portrait of Taylor Swift. No, no no wait.....Im serious here.....All You Have To Do Is Stay". Your painting wont be a "Picture to Burn" because Im gonna show you "How You Get The Girl" Step By Step.

"Everything Has Changed"? No, "Come Back Be Here" its still step by step, im just using paint this time. This way, due to the explicit instruction, you will paint "Beautiful Eyes" "All Too Well"

Hey Merrill......Where do you get the painting supplies, Dont WOrry I know places.

But lets start out with a pencil and some canvas paper. If you use the eraser too much, please dont forget to shake it off. Lets begin

Subscribe to kazanjianm (Don't miss any new videos that I make)- http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use

Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

Art Supplies I Use in my Art Work- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

Petition: YouTube NEEDS a Visual Arts Category: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

- Its been four weeks since my last video....Where have I been?
Lets just say that I have read more figure drawing books in the past month than I did in my entire life....and I have an ambitious plan. I created a series of figure drawing videos that will be as comprehensive as a college course and a heck of a lot less expensive.

Here is the plan- We will start out with five videos on human proportion. I studied the notebooks of Leonardo Davinci as well as other more recent masters to comprise a formula for drawing the human body. Next, I am going to three videos on observation skills and I will pass on advice from masters such as Harold Speed and Kimon Nicolaides. Finally, I will give you a chance to practice what you learned about proportion and observation in an ongoing series of videos where you will be able to practice figure drawing from your computer screen.

And please know that this new series does not mean that I am stopping production on all of the other types of videos on my channel

To help you find what you need, I organized all of my videos in to playlists.

When you visit my channel page, hit the playlists tab at the top and you will see the categories that I grouped my videos in to. These categories will help you find what you are looking for. I have about 80 videos right now, but I am aiming to have around 200 by the end of 2010.

The first video in the figure drawing series should be out later this week. Thank you for subscribing to my channel.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

FEATURED ON ART 21 BLOG!!!- http://blog.art21.org/2008/10/....30/art21-episode-unc Kunst falls asleep on his job at Sartbucks and dreams that he is being interviewed on art 21- Art for the Twenty-First century. A short film by the Artist Merrill Kazanjian of Freeport, NY via Queens.Francois Pinault, Larry Gagosian , Sir Nicholas Serota, Glenn D Lowry, Samuel Keller, Eli Broad, Charles Saatchi, Matthew Slotover, Amanda Sharp, Frieze magazine and art fair, Bruce Nauman, Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, Brett Gorvy, Amy Cappellazzo, Christie's, Robert Storr, Iwan Wirth, Zwirner & Wirth, Marian Goodman, David Zwirner, Gerhard Richter, Marc Glimcher, Jay Jopling, Mike Kelley, Paul Schimmel, chief curator, Museum of Contemporary Art, LA, Andreas Gursky, Cheyenne Westphal, Tobias Meyer, Barbara Gladstone, Thelma Golden, Studio Museum, New York, Victoria Miro, London, Dakis Joannou, Richard Prince, Don and Mera Rubell, Donna de Salvo, Shamim, Momin, Chrissie Iles, Whitney Museum of American Art, Daniel Birnbaum, Portikus Gallery, Frankfurt, Steven A Cohen, Michael Govan, Simon de Pury, Phillips de Pury auction house, Sadie Coles, Robert Gober, Eugenio Lopez, Bruno Brunnet, Nicole Hackert, Philipp Haverkampf, Francesca von Habsburg, Jeffrey Deitch, Nicholas Logsdail, Lisson Gallery, Thomas Hirschhorn, Iwona Blazwick, Whitechapel art gallery, London, The Wrong Gallery, New York, Jeff Wall, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Serpentine gallery, Ingvild Goetz, Pierre Huyghe, Tracey Emin, Gilbert and George, artists, collector and gallerist, Dominique Levy, Robert Mnuchin, Harry Blain and Graham Southern, Roberta Smith, New York Times, art critic, Herzog & de Meuron, Swiss architects, Jerry Saltz, Village Voice, Frank Gehry, Javier Peres, Christine Macel, Centre Pompidou, Paris, Eileen Norton, Los Angeles collector, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz, Ralph Rugoff, Hayward Gallery, Max Hetzler, Berlin-based gallerist, Miuccia Prada, fashion designer, Neo Rauch, Gerd Harry Lybke, Carsten Holler, Maureen Paley, Zach Feuer, Ai Weiwei,
Antoine de Galbert, Richard Serra, sculptor, Paul McCarthy, Okwui Enwezor, William Acquavella, Matthew Marks, Michael Ringier, media magnate, James Lingwood, Michael Morris, Artangel, Thomas Krens, Lisa Dennison, Matthew Higgs, White Columns, Lorenz Helbling, David Adjaye, Anita, Poju Zabludowicz, Hou Hanru, Gavin Brown, Lynne Cooke, Dia Art Foundation, Anselm Kiefer, Jean-Marc Bustamante, Matthew Barney, Rem Koolhaas, Ann Philbin, Hammer Museum, Anish Kapoor, agnes b.,Luc Tuymans, Joao Oliveira Rendiero, Lisbon's Banco Privado Portugues, Takashi Murakami, Cai Guo-Qiang

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Hangout with Sycra and the Art News team.

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Link- http://knicksnow.com/posts/111....8-amar-e-drawing-con
WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

And the winner is.....Terrence Animation. Congratulations you are now featured on Knicksnow.com and youre going to be getting your choice of a portrait or a step by step drawing video done by me. Our mystery judge who will be revealed in a moment liked your drawing style and the presentation of your artwork in your video. You did an awesome job and you are one smoothe dude! Check this out......As a native New Yorker and a lifelong Knicks fan, it was really cool for me to do this so thank you... And the winner is.....Terrence Animation. Congratulations you are now featured on Knicksnow.com and youre going to be getting your choice of a portrait or a step by step drawing video done by me. Our mystery judge who will be revealed in a moment liked your drawing style and the presentation of your artwork in your video. You did an awesome job and you are one smoothe dude! Check this out......As a native New Yorker and a lifelong Knicks fan, it was really cool for me to do this so thank you...

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

WE NEED A VISUAL ARTS CATEGORY ON YOUTUBE THREAD-http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=2a9806f929074cbd­&hl=en&fid=2a9806f929074cbd0004b630ad37cc3e

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

0:03 Hello all! Its Merrill! This is how I draw from my "head". I have a lot more fun doing it this way! 0:15 I have been really enjoying this Football season. And I have spent TOO MUCH TIME doing ESPN's Fantasy Football! ........So much time that it actually inspired some art! 0:26 The sketch is only the first part of this drawing......STAY TUNED. I have a very unorthodox process that enables me to refine and alter my drawing several times.
I change my mind a lot, so this process FITS me. Every artist should search for a medium / process that FITS them!!!!! 0:51 No left arm and no face......I will add them digitally in a little bit. 1:02 I am using AD Chartpak markers to apply some quick color........Im going for the first down at this point....not the Hail Mary pass for a touchdown! 1:20 The markers run a bit, so I am using a decolor opaque paint marker to refine the edges for the skin. This marker will completely hide the marks from the Ad Chartpak illustration markers. 1:42 Colored Pencils add an interesting texture to the chair.......BUT.....you will LATER see that I decided to scrap the chair for a better idea later in this video. 2:08 For the record, my Fantasy Football team is getting CRUSHED as I am writing this! ARGH!!!!
I have Peyton Manning and Michael Vick as my QB's.....That would be fantastic in any other year but this year! 2:27 Behold!!!! The ANCIENT Paint Shop Pro X.....It still works! 2:43 I scanned my drawing on my scanner to get it on my computer screen.
Then, I opened it up in Paint Shop Pro.
I found the images on Creative Commons search. 3:09 I mostly use the Warp Brush, The blending brush and the digital scissor tool. 3:30 I used the eye dropper tool to match the flesh tone and then the paintbrush tool on 50% opacity to tone the arms. 3:56 Thumbs up if you LIKE the triumphant music as I add the top of the head!!!!! 4:12 SEE! You sometimes get BETTER ideas while MAKING a work of art! Sure, I worked hard on the chair. But, I will never let a PREVIOUS effort affect FUTURE creativity!!!!!!! 4:33 Now I have to fit his FAT A$$ on the COUCH!!!!! 5:17 I was really excited to find this couch on craigslist.com.....not because I wanted to buy it......I just wanted to use the picture!

All music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com Thank you Kevin!

Merrill Kazanjian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Manu Ginobilli breaks nose and wears crazy bandage- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY3XmVsCJ44

Steve Nash snaps his nose back in to place and HORRIFIES Grant Hill- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9-RaMsKH_Q

Subscribe to kazanjianm (Don't miss any new videos that I make)- http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use

Andrew Bogut breaks his arms- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRyU9HPjxlQ

Baron Davis injures knee- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZc8811gpLk

Shaun Livingston tears his knee- http://www.dailymotion.com/vid....eo/x1hffs_shaun-livi

Allen Ray's eye pops out- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GV34UbjFMY
Music- http://youtube.com/watch?v=WTWUh2yulbM

Facebook: Like me on Facebook to find out about live hangouts or to post your work!- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm

Twitter: I tweet! Do you? http://twitter.com/kazanjianm

My Website: http://merrillk.com

Art Supplies I Use in my Art Work- http://merrillk.com/?sid=135&idpage=supplies_i_use

YouTube Visual Arts Category Petition: http://www.change.org/petition....s/create-a-visual-ar

Step by Step Drawing Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlis....t?list=PLD6E34C7CD58

Showing 2766 out of 2767