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My e-mail to send photos... Tyler@tylersartshack.com

Did this drawing for a good friend of mine.

Drawing done with Sennelier oil pastels on 11 by 14 inch paper.

Approx drawing time was about 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Song: You May Run
Artist: Ryan Farish
Farish Music International (BMI)
Licensed with permission, RYTONE Entertainment

You can purchase this song by this link here

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Welcome back everyone to this weeks drawing tutorial about thumbnailing.

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com/

In this video, I go over and show you different ways to go about thumb nailing your artwork so that you can work out you thoughts on a concept or idea or for future ideas.

This starts off by just having a small idea of some sort of design you wish to have in a final composition. The thumb nailing comes in handy when you need to work out certain problems or working out different angles and placement of objects. It is a very fast and efficient way to get ideas down quickly without spending a tremendous amount of time doing a large format drawing. These types of drawings are great for keeping yourself motivated and helps to bring up new ideas for future work.

I hope you all enjoy the video and thanks for watching!

Music info
Song: Coriolis Effect
Artist: MseQ
Music can be found on cc.mixter.org

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Welcome back everyone to a new real time drawing tutorial series. In this series, I will take you step by step to show you how to draw a spring meadow.

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com/

In this video I get back into the landscape and start to add in some of those shadows and highlights that will be showing up in and around different objects in the drawing. This is a pretty good time to get that out of the way because I am getting towards the end of the drawing process and don't want to wait too long. Also by doing this, it enables me to make some last minute decisions about the drawing if I want to add or take away different elements of the drawing.

I also start to shade in the main tree on the left side of the drawing. That is something that I have been waiting on to do and something quick to get out of the way for the next video. This will help me on my way to creating the leaves on the tree as well.

So, this video was mainly just setting up everything so that it can be finished up in the future videos. I hope you all enjoyed and thanks a lot for watching!

Music Info:
Artist; Ghost
Song: Reverie Small Theme
music can be found on cc.mixter.org

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Decided to take a Sunday off and go to Island Beach state park New Jersey. I took along my painting set along with the camera and had a great time.

I brought along my french easel and used a 10 by 20 inch canvas.

I always use gamblin oil paints. I have quite a large variety of colors.

For the sky colors:
Used a mixture of 80% prussan blue and 20 % titanium white for darkest blue part of the sky.

I kept adding more and more titanium white to lighten the color until I got to the horizon line.

I did the same for the sand. Starting out with about a 80% raw siena and 20% titianium white for the darker areas and mixed more and more titanium white to get the lighter shades.

The song is called Isolated and it is performed by Kevin MacLeod

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Welcome back everyone to a new real time drawing tutorial series. In this series, I will take you step by step to show you how to draw a spring meadow.

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com/

Drawing trees is probably going to be one of the more time consuming aspects of the drawing. With some practice and patience, they will begin to take shape on their own. For drawing these trees, I wanted to use a darker pencil so that they would stand out more against the sky. So I used more of an HB to 2B pencil range. After the skeleton work of the tree is completed, that is when I start to work on the leaves.

Drawing in the leaves can present its challenges. First off the average tree probably has over a few hundred leaves. So drawing that many objects is very time consuming. Although drawing each leave would make an amazing looking tree, I just really don't feel like doing that so I spent time finding textures that would best be suitable for drawing them. So what I ended up doing was using a sharp pencil and using it on its side. Making small scribble like movements helps to replicate thee leaves of the tree. This method eliminates a lot of time that would otherwise be spent on drawing each individual leaf. I also enjoy doing it this way because it gives the tree a bit more character.

I hope you all enjoyed this video and stay tuned next week for part 5! Thanks everyone for watching!

Music Info:
Artist; Ghost
Song: Reverie Small Theme
music can be found on cc.mixter.org

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Be sure to visit my Facebook Fan Page. http://www.facebook.com/pages/....Tylers-Art-Shack/181

Welcome to how to draw dead trees part 1. This video will show you a technique I saw and I thought it was very cool. I think you will be able to learn from it quite easily.
The process starts off with drawing cylinders and being able to shade them. Another shape to learn to draw is a cone like shape. Combining and altering these shapes help to form a tree shape. After that is done. The shading part comes in next. You need to make a big decision and decide where the light will be coming from. The spots where the light would hit would be the lighter areas on the tree or "highlight" and the are of the tree that the light isnt hitting would be the "shadow" area. This adds volume and 3d to the drawing. It also makes it more interesting.
After this, you could add more tree branches as you see fit. Put in a ground or foundation for the tree to sit by scribbling in some lines or actually spending time to put in some grass and some roots popping out of the ground.

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Welcome back everyone to my drawing tutorial on how to draw a hollyhock flower.

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com

The supplies for this drawing remain relatively simple. I used an HB pencil for the sketch and used a 2B for starting process of shading. For the real dark areas, I used a 4B.

This drawing started with a sketch on the page just for the rough placement of all the objects. I also used a grid method again for this drawing. It is a good process for aiding in the accuracy of object size and placement. I don't always use it but when I do, it is a big help.

Starting with the flowers, I used a 2B pencil to start working in some dark lines. Work them in a radial direction working out from the center. Then I used a blending stump to smooth everything out and added in some lines again just to bring out some more details.

The leaves are done in a similar way. I used a 2B pencil to give it a general shading and then used the eraser to bring out the vein lines in the leaves. Then using a regular pencil again, I made a line that follows the highlight to give it some depth.

Music Info:

Song: The Owl Named Orion
Artist: DanoSongs
Music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com

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This is great drawing practice if anybody wants to gain a boost in artistic talent. Believe me, when I first started drawing, I could only draw stick figures. After drawing like this for about a year or so, I can do all the things I do now. I do believe that art is something you are born with but I also believe that one can also learn the skill. Try and draw at least 1 thing every day and you will get much better as time goes on.

Song: Indian Summer
Artist: Ryan Farish
Farish Music International (BMI)
Licensed with permission, RYTONE Entertainment

You can purchase this song from this link.

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Welcome back everyone to the start of my series on how to draw the mountains in the mist!

If you need a reference photo, try this one! http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/....hphotos-ak-snc7/4793

Other Places to Find my Art

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com/

How to Draw a Tree

I usually start off my trees with just a simple guide line to show the full height of the tree before I even get started. This is so that I know the tree will fit within the composition of the drawing and fit in well. I like to start off with a 2H or B pencil and putting in very fine and small details for the top of the tree. The top of the trees I think are the most important. I put the most detail there.

After I get the first layer down. Ill go back in with a darker pencil like a 2B and just add in some darker shadows to help bring it out.

When drawing in the details of the tree, I like to stagger and separate some of the details to help bring out a natural look to the tree. I also like to give it a bit of character by adding in some dead branches and having some branches smaller or larger than others. It just needs a little bit of variation to help give it that nice natural look. It can be easily overdone so just be careful.

I hope you all enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up as it always helps out and thanks everyone for watching!!!

Music Info:
song: Revolve
Artist: HisBoyElroy

Music can be found on dig.ccmixter.org

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Welcome back everyone to the start of my series on how to draw the mountains in the mist!

If you need a reference photo, try this one! http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/....hphotos-ak-snc7/4793

Other Places to Find my Art

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com/

How to draw the Misty Trees

In this video, I highly recommend having a range of pencils. Pencil drawing is by far one of the cheapest artist mediums to get into and buying a set of pencils will run you about 10 - 15 dollars. I would recommend having pencil set or buying individual pencils. For this video I used 4H 2H HB 2B and a 4B for finishing touches. That is my general range of pencil usage for any type of drawing. I do not usually go much higher than that because the higher number B pencils can give off a shine.

Getting back to the drawing, I started off way in the background with a 4H and 2H pencils. I usually create a vertical line close together sort of like hatching and place those marks in moving along the image horizontally. The best way I can describe how to draw this is to make it look sort of like a sound file or one of those meters that measure an earthquake activity. Those up and down vertical lines that are created by these devices are very similar to what I am doing here. After the light layer is placed, I switched to an HB pencil to lay in a slightly darker line in the same way. Also I try to avoid creating a tree line that is too even. I try to vary it so that the natural mist that I drew in last video can move around and about the trees that we are drawing in. After the HB layer, I will usually go for a 2B for the final layer. this layer will also go all the way down the the bottom of the page. After this layer is added, I go back in and pick out some individual trees to add in details to. I don't want to over do the details here because I want to convey that the trees are far away. Far away objects tend to have less details.

I also go in to show you the details of adding in the river bank. For this all I do is put the pencil on its side so that the maximum amount of graphite on the pencil is on contact with the paper. And with a quick motion, I hold the pencil horizontally on the page and go in a side to side motion. this helps to just create a "filler" texture that takes the shape of a river bank. It is a neat little trick.

I hope you all enjoyed this video and stay tuned for next week for the continuation of this series. Thanks everyone!

Music info
Artist: Dokashiteru
Song: Echo
Music can be found on CC.mixter.org

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This is the way I have setup my drawing "studio". It used to be very basic and only consisted of the original reflector holder stand and a simple camera. But now that I am getting more of an audience and want to deliver better quality content, I have upgraded my setup.

I still use the reflector holder as the main camera mounting system. They can be found on amazon as well. I am also sure that stores that specialize in cameras and studio equipment would have the reflector stands. And I just use a pipe clamp to hold the cameras in place. The newer pipe clamps have hinge on one side so I needed to get a 3/4 inch size instead of a 1/2 like my older one that I have. Wit the pipe clamp, there is a hole on the top in which you can put a 1/4 inch screw and use a nut to secure it down in place. I then use the ballmounts and secure those on so that all I have to do is use that to adjust the camera angle.

Lighting is basic. I have very simple lamps with full spectrum bulbs in them. The bulbs cost more than the lamps haha. I then got some translucent 12 inch filters from interfit. I also got some 18 gauge wire so that I could have them hang from the lamps.

I use an Audio Technica AT2020 USB microphone for recording. There are parts of this video where the microphone does not sound all that great due to moving around so much haha. The microphone is Unidirectional which means that it only records good audio from 1 direction. Anything else it does not perform well. This is to help eliminate background noise that might occur. So keep that in mind :)

Other than that. I have a computer rig with high end components to help with the video editing and rendering. I use Audacity while recording with the microphone and use Adobe Premeire Pro CS6 to put it all together.

Hope you all enjoyed this one and ill see you all later!

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Here in this video, I do my best to explain how I set up my camera to record drawings so that you may better understand and maybe get some ideas on how you can do it.

video recorded on my HTC Rezound

Info about things I use in the video:

Main camera: Canon SX20IS 720P Digital Camera
Web Cam: Microsoft Studio LifeCam 1080P camera.
Microphone: Audio Technica AT2020

Camera Stand: Photo Basics reflector stand.

0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Welcome back everyone to a new real time drawing tutorial series. In this series, I will take you step by step to show you how to draw a spring meadow.

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com

So, this is the final video of this series where I show you how to make some quick finishing touches to really bring out the final product. Some of the main aspects that I left to this very part was the water. Water is something that can be easily overdone if too much detail is added. But it also depends on the look that you are looking for. In this one, I just wanted some simple details to help bring out the drawing.

I also left out the details beneath the tree where the water line is. This area I made very dark just to show the shadows that would be there. I also took an eraser and erased out some roots that would be in the area to help add in some details. Once I erased them out a little bit, I went back in with the pencil to add some more detail and shadow to them.

A bit later in the video, I also add in another longer waterfall towards the bottom of the page. This waterfall took quite a lot of steps to achieve the effect but it is mostly layering. I would start by adding in a tone of pencil and then using the eraser to start to create the water fall. Once I have erased some parts out, I would then go back in with my pencil and just try and darken some of those areas to help make them pop. Going back and forth like this is what in the end really helped to make the waterfall turn out well.

I hope that you all enjoyed this drawing series and I hope to see your results on Facebook! Thanks a lot everyone for watching!!

Music Info:
Artist; Ghost
Song: Reverie Small Theme
music can be found on cc.mixter.org

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Welcome back everyone to How to Draw - Summer in the Mountains Part Six - Drawing Tree Texture

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com

Besides from polishing over a few things in this video, I mainly focused on finishing up the main tree within the drawing. I wan'ted to get that out of the way so that for the next video, I would be able to clearly see where I would need to add in some finishing touches.

I used a combination of pencils for drawing in the tree. I wanted a lot of bark texture for it and a great way of using that is starting off with 2 different pencils. I used a 4H or 2H pencil and gave the tree a general shading. Then using either an HB or 2B, shade over the area to create a textured bark effect. The texture will happen as you draw. H and B pencils don't mix well so it will create a nice effect for it. Getting up towards the top of the tree, I started to draw in some branches that I will later fill in with leaves.

The leaves are very much like any other leaves I will draw. I start off with the underhand grip and work in some details in small circular motions. Ill leave little details towards the outer most branches while making more compact texture for areas with a lot of leaves.

I hope you are all enjoying the series and I hope to see you again for the next one! Thanks a lot everyone!

Music Info:
Artist: DanoSongs
Song: Remember How it Started
Music can be found at DanoSongs.com

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This tutorial will take You through the steps to complete a drawing of a tree. I show you the all pencils and techniques that are needed.

Check out my facebook fan page here. http://www.facebook.com/pages/....Tylers-Art-Shack/181

Welcome back everybody, This is the continuation of how to draw trees with leaves tutorial. I recombine that you see part 1 first before this one. That way you know what is going on in this video. Also, if you have not seen my other tree tutorial drawing. That was how to draw a dead tree part 1 and 2. I recommend that you see that one before you watch part 1 or part 2 of this video.

This whole tutorial thus far has only been done with using a 4h pencil. as you can see this pencil is light and the whole tree is mainly one tone. When I divided the page or tree down the center, everything to the right will be darker than everything to the left of that line. This will help you later with the shading and overall progression of the tree.

For shading the tree darker, I used an HB pencil and a 2B pencil. Wherever I used the 4H to make a darker tone on the tree, I am going to use the HB to make that area darker. I shade darker on the right side of tree than the left. The bottom of the tree will be the darkest part of the tree. The top left of the tree will be the lightest while the bottom right will be the darkest. The area between those two parts will transition slowly from light to dark.

I start to fill in the trunk area of the tree. I fill it in using a method called hatching. That is putting parallel lines close to each other to make dark tones. I use this to help give the tree a realistic look along with some character. It mimics the bark and other details of the tree. You also want to be able to decipher where the tree trunk ends and the leaves begin.

A cool way to situate the tree into the ground is to take a dark pencil and shade where the tree trunk is. Shade in that area to give the tree a nice large shadow.

The tree is pretty much complete from this point. You can go back in and add in little details at this point. I go back in with an eraser and put some highlights in some areas to make it look like light is hitting it.

You can add some tree branches here and there around the tree to make it look like there is a tree under all the leaves. I do this by just adding little branches and cover them up with leaves. I also add a few branches sticking out of the tree as well. it sort of adds a likeness to it.

I hope you learned from this tutorial.

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Request by Skippman.

Had quite a difficult time drawing a desert scene. Never done anything like before.
Took me well over 2 hours to produce this.
Used many different brands of pastels ranging from Derwent, Sennelier, and Prisma Color. I also used Sennelier oil pastels as well. Drew it on High quality paper.

Song: Magnificent
Artist: Ryan Farish
Farish Music International (BMI)
Licensed with permission, RYTONE Entertainment

you can purchase this song from this link. http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bloom/id360509452

0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Welcome back everyone to a new real time drawing tutorial series. In this series, I will take you step by step to show you how to draw a spring meadow.

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com/

In this video, I build upon what was done last video. I wanted to bring out the sky more and also bring out the far background trees. So to do this, I used a B or a 2B pencil to darken in the sky sections of the drawing. Once that was done, I used a blending stump to smooth out the area and create all the rough shadows into the clouds. After which I used a blending stump to start working in some of the cloud in full detail.

Drawing clouds can take a bit to get the hang of but with practice it will become easier. I have a full video dedicated on how to draw clouds on my channel as well. I will be linking to it at the end of the video.

Thanks a lot everyone for watching and ill see you next week with part 2!

Music Info:
Artist; Ghost
Song: Reverie Small Theme
music can be found on cc.mixter.org

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Here is a link to Merrill Kazanjians video about having youtube incorporate a visual arts category.


Here is the list of artists that I have found so far. They will be broken down into landscape and portrait sections. This list will be added upon so use this video as a resource to find new artists here on youtube. just copy and paste these names into the youtube search box.

Artists with UNDER 50 SUBSCRIBERS! Check them out!


Landscape Artists


Portrait Artists


Everything Else


0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This video will take you through the steps to draw a realistic pine tree. I show you the pencils and techniques you will need to draw a finished product.

This photograph will be posted on my facebook fan page. Hit the link to check that out. http://www.facebook.com/pages/....Tylers-Art-Shack/181

HB Pencil
2b Pencil
Blending stumps
Drawing paper
Pencil Sharpener
Welcome to my video on how to draw pine trees. I do not care if you do not know how to draw, I guarantee if you watch this video or some of my other videos and with a little bit of practice, you could draw just as well as me if not better!

I start my drawings out simple and work into the detail to bring it into a more life like look.

The first step is to get a center line that will be the entire tree. The center line helps a lot when drawing any tree. After this, it helps to create a general shape where the tree will be.

After this is done, make the center line higher. This will become the very top of the tree. I put in some scribbling detail on this. Work very quickly with this, It does not have to be perfect. Leave some spaces between branches and use the underhand grip to scribble in some small details.

Keep the pencil constantly moving, add in small scribbles, the more little detail you add in, the more realistic the tree will look.

Keep in mind that the tree is a free living thing, try and replicate the free look by swapping between detail and very loose hand strokes.

The whole general shape of the tree was done with an HB pencil. The next part of the tree is the shading part. This is all done with a 2B pencil

I use the 2B pencil and go under the branches and make them darker than the rest of the tree. Shading the tree helps to create a more lifelike and realistic look. Pay close attention to how I hold the pencil. It will help you when you draw this picture or any other tree.

I later add a trunk to the tree or a stump. This helps to add character and also plants the tree into the ground. After you add that, shade it in and the picture is pretty much done!

Good LUCK!!!

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Welcome back everyone to my first Q & A about my childhood Art and the meaning of life as well as many other topics. I had a great amount of fun while doing this and I think this will be a great opportunity for all of you to get to know a little bit more about me.

Other Places to Find my Art

Website: http://www.tylersartshack.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tylersartshack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TylersArtShack
Google+: https://plus.google.com/115405....344518849808905/post
Deviant: http://tylersartshack.deviantart.com

Thanks a lot everyone for tuning in and leave me some feedback as to what you thought about the Q & A video!

Music Info:
Artist: Ghost
Song: Reverie
music can be found on cc.mixter.org

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