
How to Draw a River - Mountains in the Mist Part 6

0 意见· 11/11/19

Welcome back everyone to the start of my series on how to draw the mountains in the mist!

If you need a reference photo, try this one! http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/....hphotos-ak-snc7/4793

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How to Draw a River

Welcome back everybody to part 6 of how to draw the mountains in the mist. This part focuses on how to draw the river in this scene. I will go over and show you the steps to create the reflections, small rapids, and overall polished look of the water.

For the main water part having a mix of different pencils will help you a lot! For the part where I reflect the trees, I use a 2B pencil and slightly draw in the trees to make the reflection. I do not want a perfect mirror reflection because remember, I am drawing a river. This water will be moving so any reflection will be heavily blurred and hard to make out details. Because of that, I only suggested a very rough tree like shape in the water.
Also try to leave a very small gap between the reflection and the river bank. It will help a lot to be able to tell where the water ends and the river bank begins.

When going in to draw a river, I use a 2H pencil for the most part. That pencil has a great ability to place lines down that blend very well with one another creating a seamless plane. It helps to give the water that shine to it from the light reflection. Also using a 2H pencil on top of the 2B pencil you used to create the trees will not cover up that detail at all. It will actually enhance it and make it a part of the water.

You can also go back in using a 4H pencil. This will help to fill in any gaps that the 2H pencil left and will further enhance the look of the overall drawing.

This will take practice to get down so don't worry if it doesn't come out correctly the first time.

I hope you all enjoyed this part of how to draw the mountains in the mist and I will see you next time for part 7!

Thanks for watching!!

Music Info:
Song: Black Rainblow
Artist: PitX

Music can be found on CCmixter.org


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