
Learn Japanese
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Do you want to learn Japanese phrases fast? In the series Japanese Fast Phrases, that's exactly what you get! These are short lessons designed so you can learn fun Japanese phrases quickly.

An onomatopoeia is a word that describes a sound and the Japanese language has lots of these words, many more than English. Do you make a sound when you fix your gaze on someone? Do looks have sounds? Can you hear the difference between a withering stare and a coquettish glance over the shoulder? You can in Japanese. In Japanese, some of the words that refer to looking at someone are onomatopoeic. Should you use chirachira or jirojiro to talk about that pretty girl in the store? Used properly, one can mean glancing repeatedly at someone and the other a very disapproving glare! Why take the risk and guess when the right Japanese words are right here!

If you would like to find out more about these onomatopoeia words, go to: https://www.japanesepod101.com..../2009/09/09/onomatop

If you learned a lot with this video, stop by our Japanese language learning website and get other language learning content including other great videos like this one, audio podcasts, review materials, blogs, iPhone applications, and more.


Learn Japanese
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Learn essential phrases you need to to be polite in Japanese! https://bit.ly/2uTYyVX Click here to access personalized lessons, tons of video series, wordlists and more! ↓Check how below↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2uTYyVX
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Achieve Your Learning Goal and master Japanese the fast, fun and easy way!

In this video, you’ll challenge your Japanese listening comprehension skills. You will learn the most common and useful phrases to show good manners and sound polite like a native Japanese speaker. This is THE place to start if you want to start learning Japanese, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.

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Learn Japanese
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Lyrics and Translation in Description!

This is a song with repeating gestures representing pandas, rabbits and koalas. You can also learn what to call them in Japanese.


おいで おいで おいで
おいで パンダ パンダ
おいで おいで おいで
おいで うさぎ うさぎ
おいで おいで おいで
おいで コアラ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ

『できたかな じゃ もう1回やってみようね』

おいで おいで おいで
おいで パンダ パンダ
おいで おいで おいで
おいで うさぎ うさぎ
おいで おいで おいで
おいで コアラ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ

『ハイ よくできたね じゃ もう1回やってみようね』

おいで おいで おいで
おいで パンダ パンダ 
おいで おいで おいで
おいで うさぎ うさぎ
おいで おいで おいで
おいで コアラ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ

『サァこんどは パンダとうさぎとコアラを
じゅんばんに やってみてね』

パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ  うさぎ  コアラ

『サァ こんどはちょっと はやくなりますよ』

パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ

『サァ さいごはもっともっとはやくなりますよ』

パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ
パンダ うさぎ コアラ

English Translation

Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, pandas, pandas.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, rabbits, rabbits.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, koalas, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, Koalas.

[Did you make it? Okay, let’s try it once again.]

Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, pandas, pandas.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, rabbits, rabbits.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, koalas, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, Koalas.

[OK. Great Job! Let’s try once again.]

Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, pandas, pandas.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, rabbits, rabbits.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here, koalas, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, Koalas.

[OK. Let’s do it this order - pandas, rabbits and koalas this time.]

Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.

[OK. Let’s do it a little faster this time.]

Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.

[OK. For the last try, let’s do it much faster.]

Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.
Pandas, rabbits, koalas.

Learn Japanese
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Watch the Kantan Kana Series HERE!: https://www.japanesepod101.com/index.php?cat=47

Click here to get our FREE App & More Free Lessons at JapanesePod101: https://www.japanesepod101.com/video

Learning Hiragana and Katakana is the best way to get started with Japanese, and Kantan Kana is THE way to learn it. To see lessons nine and beyond, head over to our site, JapanesePod101.com and get your FREE lifetime account. We'll finish up the Hiragana characters and teach you about the next set of characters known as Katakana.New videos come out on Fridays, so be sure to check back every week! Go to JapanesePod101.com/video for your free lifetime account!

Get started here: https://www.japanesepod101.com..../2010/09/03/video-s2


Learn Japanese
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How to Learn Japanese FAST on your own time: https://goo.gl/iKE92U

Sign up for your free Lifetime Account right now! ↓ READ THE DESCRIPTION ↓

With this video compilation you'll be able to catch up if you missed any lesson this October, or review Japanese phrases to master the language, with Risa!

You've decided to start learning Japanese, so let's build up your vocabulary! In this video, you'll learn some of the most important words and phrases in the Japanese language. If you want to start learning Japanese, this video is made for you. Our hosts express themselves in simple Japanese, with English subtitles. This video will challenge your listening comprehension skills and help you to get started in your Japanese study.

Let us help you through this Monthly Recap video compilation as you continue learning Japanese! This is the fastest, easiest way to pick up basic Japanese!

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Find out more, go to: https://goo.gl/iKE92U

Follow and write to us using hashtag #JapanesePod101
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Did this video inspire you to learn more Japanese? Come to https://goo.gl/qtxbBg today and get your Free Lifetime Account! See you there!Lyrics and Translation in Description!

Want to instantly make a connection with any Japanese person you meet? Just hum this classic children's song and you're sure to get a reaction!
You can learn various onomatopoeias and mimetic words while listening to this song about a short journey of a banana. Why don't you sing along and get used to the various expressions?

Tondetta Banana tells the tale of a banana that falls down from the tree and flies away. The simple lyrics make it easy and the catchy music makes it fun.

Challenge yourself! Use the Japanese you've studied up to this point and see how much you understand! If you've watched our Kantan Kana series you can try to sing along. Making the jump to real-life Japanese is a scary one, but friendly children's songs are a great place to start!

Lyrics --

バナナが いっぽん ありました
あおい みなみの そらのした
こどもが ふたりで とりやっこ
バナナは ツルンと とんでった
バナナは どこへ いったかな
バナナン バナナン バナナ

ワニが いっぴき おりました
しろい しぶきの すなはまで
おどりを おどって おりますと
バナナが ツルンと とんできた
おひさま ニコニコ いいてんき
バナナン バナナン バナナ

ワニと バナナが おどります
ポンポコ ツルリン ポンツルリ
あんまり ちょうしに のりすぎて
バナナは ツルンと とんでった
バナナは どこへ いったかな
バナナン バナナン バナナ

おふねが いっそう うかんでた
おひげ はやした せんちょうさん
グーグー おひるね いいきもち
おくちを ポカンと あけてたら
バナナが スポンと とびこんだ
モグモグモグモグ たべちゃった
たべちゃった たべちゃった

English Translation

"Bananas That Flew Away"

There was one banana
under the southern blue sky.
Two children fought over it.
The banana flew away suddenly.
Where did the banana go?
Banana banana banana.

There was an alligator
on a splashy white sandy beach.
While dancing happily,
the banana flew to the alligator.
Smiling sun and the nice weather.
Banana banana banana.

The alligator and the banana danced together.
Ponpoko Tsururin Pontsururi.
The alligator was having too much fun.
The banana flew away suddenly.
Where did the banana go?
Banana banana banana.
A ship floated nearby.
A captain with a beard,
taking a nap, feeling good,
with his mouth wide open.
The banana jumped into his mouth.
He munched and ate it.
He ate it. He ate it.

Learn Japanese
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Did this video inspire you to learn more Japanese? Come to https://goo.gl/mphfCt today and get your Free Lifetime Account! See you there!Lyrics and Translation in Description!


フレーフレー 赤組
フレーフレー 赤組

ぼくらは かがやく
たいようの ように
もえあがる きぼう
力いっぱい がんばろう

赤 赤 赤 ゴーゴーゴー
赤 赤 赤 ゴーゴーゴー
もえろよ もえろ 赤組

フレーフレー 白組
フレーフレー 白組

ぼくらは 白い いなずまだ
つきすすむ 光の矢
かみなりの音 とどろかせ
元気いっぱい がんばろう

ゴーゴーゴー 白 白 白
ゴーゴーゴー 白 白 白
ちきゅうをまわる いなずまだ 白組

赤:ぼくらは かがやく
白:ぼくらは 白い いなずまだ

赤:たいようの ように
白:つきすすむ 光の矢

赤:もえあがる きぼう
白:かみなりの音 とどろかせ

赤:力いっぱい がんばろう
白:元気いっぱい がんばろう

赤:赤 赤 赤 ゴーゴーゴー
白:ゴーゴーゴー 白 白 白

赤:赤 赤 赤 ゴーゴーゴー
白:ゴーゴーゴー 白 白 白

赤:もえろよ もえろ 赤組
白:ちきゅうをまわる いなずまだ 白組


Learn Japanese
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Did this video inspire you to learn more Japanese? Come to https://goo.gl/mphfCt today and get your Free Lifetime Account! See you there!Lyrics and Translation in Description!

This song is a 3d version of a very popular Japanese nursery song. It’s said that the melody came from a German folk song. The original song just has the frog’s song, but the piggy's and duck's songs were added for this video. Please enjoy Japanese onomatopoeia with this song.

For more 3D animation nursery rhymes & songs for children check our website https://goo.gl/mphfCt !


クヮ クヮ クヮ クヮ
ケケケケ ケケケケ

クヮ クヮ クヮ クヮ
ケケケケ ケケケケ

ブー ブー ブー ブー 
ブブブブ ブブブブ
ブー ブー ブー 

グワ グワ グワ グワ
ガガガガ ガガガガ
グワ グワ グワ"

Lyrics Translation:

The frog's song
We can hear it
Ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit
Ribbit-ribbit-ribbit-ribbit ribbit-ribbit-ribbit-ribbit
Ribbit ribbit ribbit

The frog's song
We can hear it
Ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit
Ribbit-ribbit-ribbit-ribbit ribbit-ribbit-ribbit-ribbit
Ribbit ribbit ribbit

The piggy's song
We can hear it
Oink oink oink oink
Oink-oink-oink-oink oink-oink-oink-oink
Oink oink oink

The duck's song
We can hear it
Quack quack quack quack
Quack-quack-quack-quack quack-quack-quack-quack
Quack quack quack"

Learn Japanese
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Are you ready to learn Japanese while sleeping 8 hours? Binaural beats are specifically meant for sleep learning. Download your free PDF lessons to learn Japanese twice as fast when not sleeping: https://goo.gl/wEa1CJ ↓ Learn more about sleep learning ↓

You asked for more phrases, here we are! In this video, we use advanced binaural beats to help you learn the Japanese language. The video features Emergency Phrases in Japanese. Listen to this as you go to sleep and leave on while you sleep for the greatest effects. The binaural beats we use in this video will enhance your learning abilities — and it may even help you sleep better!

Sleep-aided learning functions more like a support system to the waking brain—reinforcing knowledge but not substituting your daytime study hours.
You won't learn Japanese by ONLY watching this video, but it will help you through passive learning.

Music: www.bensound.com

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JapanesePod101

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://goo.gl/wEa1CJ

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3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This is the best video to improve your Japanese conversation skills!
https://bit.ly/2HiBEhJ Click here to access personalized lessons, tons of video series, wordlists and more! ↓Check how below↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2HiBEhJ
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Achieve Your Learning Goal and master Japanese the fast, fun and easy way!

In this video, you’ll challenge your Japanese listening comprehension skills. You will listen to 20 small dialogues for absolute beginners by Japanese native speakers. This is THE place to start if you want to start learning Japanese, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.

Follow us here:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JapanesePod101
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/JapanesePod101

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This song is a very famous Japanese children's song. It's one of the best kids' songs which parents want to have their kids listen to.

Challenge yourself! Use the Japanese you've studied up to this point and see how much you understand! If you've watched our Kantan Kana series you can try to sing along. Making the jump to real-life Japanese is a scary one, but friendly children's songs are a great place to start!

Did this video inspire you to learn more Japanese? Come to https://www.japanesepod101.com/video today and get your Free Lifetime Account! See you there!

おもちゃの チャチャチャ※

そらにきらきら おほしさま
みんなすやすや ねむるころ
おもちゃは はこをとびだして
おどるおもちゃの チャチャチャ


なまりのへいたい トテチテタ
ラッパならして こんばんは
フランスにんぎょう すてきでしょ
はなのドレスで チャチャチャ


きょうはおもちゃの おまつりだ
みんなたのしく うたいましょ
こひつじメエメエ こねこはニャー
こぶたブースカ チャチャチャ


そらにさよなら おほしさま
まどにおひさま こんにちは
おもちゃはかえる おもちゃばこ
そしてねむるよ チャチャチャ


Learn Japanese
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

You want to study or work in Japan? https://goo.gl/DJ8QaM Download your free JLPT N5 Cheat Sheet including the 103 Kanji you Must-Know! ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/DJ8QaM
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Successfully Pass the JLPT N5 with Your Cheat Sheet including vocabulary, grammar and kanji list.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JapanesePod101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JapanesePod101

Get Your Free JLPT N5 Cheat Sheet: https://goo.gl/DJ8QaM

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

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https://goo.gl/Ra5jfC Download your free eBook including the secret to easily mastering 1500 Kanji with the best approach! Get ready for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/Ra5jfC
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Download Your PDF book and master Kanji meanings, readings, stroke order and words for each radical.

Your Free ebook includes:
- 50 Most Common Radicals
- 63 Chapters & 538 Pages in Total
- 150+ Example Sentences and Phrases
- Native Japanese Audio Examples for Every Entry
- Stroke Orders to Help You Write Each Radical
- Vibrant Images to Help with Memorization
- 3000+ Bonus Sample Vocab

Learning kanji can either be the most frustrating work of your life, or it can be a fascinating and fun journey! The key to making kanji an enjoyable experience is to learn the meaning and origin of the kanji radicals that build all kanji characters. In this video, Risa helps you review some Japanese Kanji and teaches you the best way to learn all of them: learning Kanji through radicals! The focus here is on JLPT N5 Kanji. This is the perfect place to if you want to be able to read, write and speak the Japanese language.

Follow and write to us using hashtag #JapanesePod101
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Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

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Want to instantly make a connection with any Japanese person you meet? Just hum this classic children's song and you're sure to get a reaction! https://goo.gl/ENv4Lc This is your path to Japanese fluency!

Oni no Pants is the song of an Oni (demon) and his pants. The simple lyrics make it easy and the catchy music makes it fun.

Challenge yourself! Use the Japanese you've studied up to this point and see how much you understand! If you've watched our Kantan Kana series you can try to sing along. Making the jump to real-life Japanese is a scary one, but friendly children's songs are a great place to start!

Did this video inspire you to learn more Japanese? Come to https://goo.gl/ENv4Lc today and get your Free Lifetime Account! See you there!

Learn Japanese
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

????https://goo.gl/qT2wRN Download your free eBook including the secret to learning 1500 Kanji easily! ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/qT2wRN
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Download the best free online resources to learn Japanese twice as fast!

In this video, Risa will teach you to talk about your future plans in Japanese! This is the perfect place if you want to be able to read, write and speak the Japanese language.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JapanesePod101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JapanesePod101
■ Risa's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risalavie/

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Japanese
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Learn Japanese while jamming to these super fun songs! And to learn Japanese with the best FREE online resources, click here: https://goo.gl/SELGxt

Click on the links of each song for Lyrics and Translation!

Oni no Pants - おにのパンツ https://youtu.be/MjQQQW2R1WM

Donguri Korokoro - どんぐりころこ https://youtu.be/Y3cPq5vmXng

Odoru Ponpokorin - おどるポンポコリン https://youtu.be/u32-Y6S8tmU

Mori no Kuma-san - 森のくまさん https://youtu.be/dwatp0BlvLM

Omocha no ChaChaCha - おもちゃのチャチャチャ

Kirakira boshi - きらきら星 https://youtu.be/_242F3SWXRU

Usagi to Kame - うさぎとかめ https://youtu.be/ngBUzQxaOVU

Baby Shark - ベイビーシャーク https://youtu.be/U-Wiu7O0kdY

Obake nante nai sa - おばけなんてないさ

My Mixed Juice - ぼくのミックスジュース https://youtu.be/oE-SUZZn2MQ

Inu no omawari san - いぬのおまわりさんhttps://youtu.be/J8aJPnTUKAo

Panda, Usagi, Koara - パンダうさぎコアラ

Ōkina kuri no ki no shita de - おおきなくりのきのしたで

O-bentōbako no uta - おべんとうばこのうた https://youtu.be/-Q_2bshzJBo

Aiueo song - あいうえおのうた https://youtu.be/PE7sW2KoiGI

Tontontonton Hige Jii-san - とんとんとんとんひげじいさん

Kaeru no gasshō - かえるのがっしょう

Sampo ("Tonari no Totoro")- さんぽ (となりのトトロより)

Gū Choki Pā de Nani Tsukurō - グーチョキパーでなにつくろう

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JapanesePod101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JapanesePod101
■ Tumblr: http://JapanesePod101.tumblr.com

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

#japanesepod #kidssongs #japanesechildrenssongs #oninopantsu #japanesekidssongs #learnjapanese #japanesepod101

Copyright © 2017 JapanesePod101.com™. All Rights Reserved.

Learn Japanese
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

"Are you ready to learn Japanese while sleeping 8 hours? Binaural beats are specifically meant for sleep learning. Download your free PDF lessons to learn Japanese twice as fast when not sleeping: https://bit.ly/2WoP58f ↓ Learn more about sleep learning ↓

You asked for more phrases, here we are! In this video, we use advanced binaural beats to help you learn the Japanese language. The video features Sleeping Home Interior Phrases in Japanese. Listen to this as you go to sleep and leave on while you sleep for the greatest effects. The binaural beats we use in this video will enhance your learning abilities — and it may even help you sleep better!

Sleep-aided learning functions more like a support system to the waking brain—reinforcing knowledge but not substituting your daytime study hours.
You won't learn Japanese by ONLY watching this video, but it will help you through passive learning.

Music: www.bensound.com

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JapanesePod101

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://bit.ly/2WoP58f

Learn Japanese
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Lyrics and Translation in Description!
How to Learn Japanese FAST on your own time: http://utm.io/258678 Sign up for your FREE Lifetime Account right now.

This song is one of the most famous and popular Japanese kids’ songs with gestures. You can make various animals and shapes by making the gestures for rock, scissors and paper with your hands.

Let’s sing together and make various shapes with our hands!


グーチョキパーで グーチョキパーで
なにつくろう なにつくろう
みぎてはチョキで  ひだりてもチョキで かにさん

グーチョキパーで グーチョキパーで
なにつくろう なにつくろう
みぎてはグーで  ひだりてはチョキで かたつむり

グーチョキパーで グーチョキパーで
なにつくろう なにつくろう
みぎてはパーで  ひだりてもパーで ちょうちょ

グーチョキパーで グーチョキパーで
なにつくろう なにつくろう
みぎてはグーで  ひだりてはパーで たこさん

グーチョキパーで グーチョキパーで
なにつくろう なにつくろう
みぎてはグーで  ひだりてもグーで ゴリラ

[English Translation]

Lyrics: Gū Choki Pā de Nani Tsukurō (What are you gonna make with rock, scissors and paper?)

Rock, scissors, paper. Rock, scissors, paper.
What are you gonna make? What are you gonna make?
The right hand is scissors. The left hand is scissors, too. It's a crab. It's a crab.

Rock, scissors, paper. Rock, scissors, paper.
What are you gonna make? What are you gonna make?
The right hand is a rock. The left hand is scissors. It's a snail. It's a snail.

Rock, scissors, paper. Rock, scissors, paper
What are you gonna make? What are you gonna make?
The right hand is paper. The left hand is paper, too. It's a butterfly. It's a butterfly.

Rock, scissors, paper. Rock, scissors, paper.
What are you gonna make? What are you gonna make?
The right hand is a rock. The left hand is paper. It's an octopus. It's an octopus.

Rock, scissors, paper. Rock, scissors, paper.
What are you gonna make? What are you gonna make?
The right hand is a rock. The left hand is a rock. It's a gorilla. It's a gorilla.

Learn Japanese
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Lyrics and Translation in Description!

This song is one of the most famous and popular American folk songs. It became popular in Japan when a popular Japanese TV show aired the Japanese version of this song in 1967.


せんろは つづくよ どこまでも
のをこえ やまこえ たにこえて
はるかな まちまで ぼくたちの
たのしい たびのゆめ つないでる

せんろは うたうよ いつまでも
れっしゃの ひびきを おいかけて
リズムに あわせて ぼくたちも
たのしい たびのうた うたおうよ

ランラ ランラ ランラ
ランラ ランラ ランラ
ランラ ランラ
ラン ラン
ラン ラン ラン

ランラ ランラ ランラ
ランラ ランラ ランラ
ランラ ランラ
ラン ラン ラーン

ランラ ランラ
ラーン ラーン ラーン 
ランラ ランラ
ラン ラン ラーン

ランラ ランラ
ラーン ラーン ラーン 

ラーン ランランラーン ラーン 

せんろは つづくよ どこまでも
のをこえ やまこえ たにこえて
はるかな まちまで ぼくたちの
たのしい たびのゆめ つないでる

English Translation

The railway continues to anywhere.
Beyond the fields, over the mountains and valleys,
To a far-away town, preserving the dream of our fun journey.

The railway will sing forever;
Chasing the sound of the train
To the rhythm, together.
Let's sing the song of our fun journey.

Lanla Lanla Lanla
Lanla Lanla Lanla
Lanla Lanla
Lan Lan
Lan Lan Lan

Lanla Lanla Lanla
Lanla Lanla Lanla
Lanla Lanla
Lan Lan Lan

Lanla Lanla
Lan Lan Lan
Lanla Lanla
Lan Lan Lan

Lanla Lanla
Lan Lan Lan

Lan LanLan Lan Lan

The railway continues to anywhere.
Beyond the fields, over the mountains and valleys,
To a far-away town, preserving the dream of our fun journey.

Learn Japanese
6 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

https://bit.ly/371iCHy Get 40% OFF and be ready to learn and speak Japanese with our COMPLETE Learning Program!

In this video lesson, we will tell you how to use the expression "after" (あとで/ato de) in Japanese, through simple explanation and examples. This is the best place to start learning the Japanese language!

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