
How to Draw - Summer in the Mountains Part Seven - Drawing Distant Mountains

4 Просмотры· 11/11/19

Welcome back everyone to How to Draw - Summer in the Mountains Part Seven - Drawing Distant Mountains

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Before I made this last part, I spent a lot of time just looking over the entire drawing seeing what needed to be added. After spending the time and asking some others. I came to the conclusion that everything looked great except for the background. It got lost in all the foreground details so I wanted to go back in and make it more pronounced to help it stand out.

In doing this, I used a light pencil for the very background mountains. I wanted to make them the lightest and have each mountain closer get darker and darker. So going through the pencils I did exactly that. I wasn't too worried about the detail or texture for these mountains because they are quite far away. So after playing around with different tones and slight texture, I arrived to a point which looked nice. Which is where I will leave off this drawing.

I hope that you all enjoyed this drawing series and for those of you that followed along, feel free to post your results on my facebook page! Thanks a lot everyone!

Music Info:
Artist: DanoSongs
Song: Remember How it Started
Music can be found at DanoSongs.com

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