
Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

http://bit.ly/2MkSU7j ← If you’re studying Turkish, chances are you’re looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! Here is your fast track to fluency!
↓ More Details ↓

Step 1: Go to http://bit.ly/2MkSU7j
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start speaking Turkish with the best online resources

In this video you'll discover why you are never too old to learn a new language and how it can actually provide a number of health benefits to people over 60.

Contrary to myths and urban legends, learning a new language in your 50’s or 60’s is actually easier than it is for most teenagers and young adults! Without distractions, more mature adults can better focus on the details necessary to master a new language.
TurkishClass101 is the best place to get started with the Turkish language as you will get on your way to Turkish fluency fast. We provide you with everything you need to maser the language.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
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■ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TurkishClass101

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

#Learning #Turkish #TurkishClass101 #LearnTurkish

Learn Turkish
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn Turkish with TurkishClass101.com! Today your Turkish friend has a special treat for you. He is taking you out on horseback to see some of the country up close! You have absolutely no idea what to expect, but you could not be more excited either!! Your friend hands you a saddle and explains in Turkish, "Saddle up, your horse is running there in that field." Confused, you just stare at him. He laughs and points into the field and repeats the command in Turkish, rolling his eyes at you. Embarrassed, you saddle up and head out as soon as the sun peeks up over the horizon. Within minutes, your friend quietly exclaims in Turkish, "Be really still! Look, across that field...the deer are running and jumping...and the wolves over there are looking for food!" You strain your eyes trying to make out the images in the silvery sunlight, as if you knew what you were looking for. Again, he looks at you rolling his eyes and repeats what he said in Turkish. Only this time, he adds, "I thought you said you learned Turkish before you came here!" You snap back in Turkish, "How was I supposed to know I was going to need to talk about animals in Turkish?" Rolling his eyes once more and laughing, he replies in language, "This IS a vacation...isn't it??" TurkishClass101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Turkish!

This Turkish Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you how to talk about various wild animals in Turkish. In this Turkish vocabulary video, you will learn Turkish by watching the video, seeing both Turkish and Turkish translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Turkish translations being read aloud by our native Turkish speakers. Visit us at TurkishClass101.com where you will find many more great Turkish lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

For more info, go to: http://www.turkishclass101.com..../2012/09/14/learn-wi


Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Get Free Turkish Lessons on your Android, iPhone, iPad or Kindle Fire! Click here to get the App: http://www.turkishclass101.com/ill-app/

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a Turkish conversation about arranging furniture in a room. Subscribe for more videos: http://j.mp/TurkishClass101

Find out more, go to: http://www.turkishclass101.com..../2016/03/01/turkish-

Please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Want more Turkish learning videos? Click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTdHygYeW4I&list=PLZKkQvBRTEgQkH-Td-Jdw8wKbjx_J8rrY

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Learn Turkish with real lessons by real teachers. Get your FREE Lifetime Account at http://www.TurkishClass101.com/video

Learn Turkish
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Get Free Turkish Lessons on your Android, iPhone, iPad or Kindle Fire! Click here to get the App: http://www.turkishclass101.com/ill-app/

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a Turkish conversation about choosing a place to wait. Subscribe for more videos: http://j.mp/TurkishClass101

Find out more, go to: http://www.turkishclass101.com..../2015/04/07/turkish-

Please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Want more Turkish learning videos? Click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTdHygYeW4I&list=PLZKkQvBRTEgQkH-Td-Jdw8wKbjx_J8rrY

- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
- Google Plus : https://plus.google.com/+TurkishClass101
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- Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/TurkishClass101/

Learn Turkish with real lessons by real teachers. Get your FREE Lifetime Account at http://www.TurkishClass101.com/video

Learn Turkish
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn Turkish with TurkishClass101.com! You are doing some business with your company's main headquarters and you have attended meetings all afternoon. You are supervising how the staff is performing their job at the Turkish company, and although you are satisfied with how the company is being handled, you still have to figure out what can be improved within the company. You have spoken with many of the company's staff and most of the staff seems very pleased with the way they are treated. You asked each one what their jobs entailed. A secretary you spoke with replied in Turkish, "Typing and reading e-mails, making phone calls, answering customers' question...you know, the usual stuff." The next person you spoke with answered in Turkish, "I attend meetings all day!" But they all seem happy...and the work is getting done. Wait...who is that? You ask a man sitting at a desk drinking coffee what he does all day. He replies in Turkish, "I drink my coffee." Astonished, you ask him why he doesn't do anything else. He replies in Turkish, "Because I am the boss!" Well, at least you were able to work with your Turkish skills for a little bit anyway. TurkishClass101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Turkish!

This Turkish Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you important vocabulary you might need on the job. In this Turkish vocabulary video, you will learn Turkish by watching the video, seeing both Turkish and Turkish translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Turkish translations being read aloud by our native Turkish speakers. Visit us at TurkishClass101.com where you will find many more great Turkish lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

For more info, go to: http://www.turkishclass101.com..../2012/12/14/learn-wi


Learn Turkish
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Finally Get Fluent in Turkish with PERSONALIZED Lessons. Get Your Free Lifetime Account: https://bit.ly/2Ygi7EV ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2Ygi7EV
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start learning Turkish the fast, fun and easy way!

Save 20% on FULL Access to TurkishClass101 with your YOUTUBE coupon for All subscriptions https://bit.ly/2Ykmjn2

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://bit.ly/2YcWJjM

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Turkish
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

If you can learn these 1000 Phrases you will master Turkish language! … Or you can get started with the Core 2000 Word List https://goo.gl/SUwWpc ! With this, you’ll understand 95% of the language and, of course, this one is NOT a joke. ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/SUwWpc
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Learn the the 2000 most used Turkish words and understand all conversations in Turkish!

In this video we teach you 1000 Phrases you need if you want to learn Turkish... Are you ready for this express track to Turkish fluency? And to all Turkish learners, the TurkishClass101 team wishes you a great April Fools Day!

Access the Core 2000 Word List: https://goo.gl/SUwWpc

Follow and write to us using hashtag #TurkishClass101
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Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Discover 5 hacks to stop procrastinating and keep your motivation to learning Turkish! Get all the Turkish PDF lessons you want for FREE at https://goo.gl/kNDKPp ↓ Check How Below ↓

Step 1: https://goo.gl/kNDKPp
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Learn with the best online resources and quickly become conversational.

If you are an absolute beginner Turkish learner, this video is made for you. we will give you 5 tips to stop procrastinating and keep your motivation for learning a new language! Our host expresses herself in simple English. This video will the best advice and strategies to help you progress in your Turkish study. This is THE place to start if you want to start learning Turkish.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Turkish
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn Turkish with TurkishClass101.com! It is such a beautiful day today that you cannot resist taking your friends up on their offer to head out on their boat. But you had no idea what a learning experience today would turn out to be. Your friends are driving along and you are all chatting and having an incredible time. Suddenly, your friend points out the side of the boat and yells excitedly in Turkish, "I bet you have never seen one of these back home! Check out the whale gliding in the water!" Rushing over to the side of the boat, you see the most exciting sight you have ever seen! You ask your friend in Turkish, "How do you say 'whale' in Turkish again?" He repeats the word and then hands you a scuba suit. Looking terrified, he laughs and assures you he will not let anything happen to you but that you HAVE to see what is under the water! And he was right! When you climb back on the boat later, you have so many questions! And the worst part is that you have no idea how to say any of the amazing creatures you saw swimming under the water in Turkish. Luckily, you have plenty of time to sit on board and describe the animals to your patient friend while he tells you what each is called in Turkish...crab, jellyfish, urchin, and so on. What would you do without your friend? TurkishClass101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Turkish!

The answer is that you would come to TurkishClass101.com! In this Turkish Video Vocabulary lesson, we will teach you how to talk about these amazing marine animals in Turkish in case you don't have one of those patient friends handy! In this Turkish vocabulary video, you will learn Turkish by watching the video, seeing both Turkish and Turkish translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Turkish translations being read aloud by our native Turkish speakers. Visit us at TurkishClass101.com where you will find many more great Turkish lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

For more info, go to: http://www.turkishclass101.com..../2012/10/05/learn-wi


Learn Turkish
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Turkish culture with TurkishClass101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Turkish holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Turkey.

In this video, you'll learn all about Winter Vacation in Turkey and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Turkish vocabulary. Join Zehra for a dose of Turkish culture! Visit us at TurkishClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Turkish audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.turkishclass101.com..../2014/05/02/video-cu


Learn Turkish
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Here are your FREE Turkish lessons, PDF cheat sheets and bonuses for this month! Just click here to access your gifts: https://goo.gl/fmvFZs ↓More details below↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/fmvFZs
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start learning Turkish the fast, fun and easy way!

In this lesson, you'll learn 10 ways to save the planet in Turkish.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101
■ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/TurkishClass101
■ Tumblr: http://TurkishClass101.tumblr.com

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://goo.gl/yKXoCT

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This is the best video to get started with the Turkish language!
https://bit.ly/2klDxlh Click here to learn Turkish twice as fast with FREE PDF!
↓Check how below↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2klDxlh
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Achieve Your Learning Goal and master Turkish the fast, fun and easy way!

In this video, we will teach you the most common 300 Turkish words that you must know to talk about clothing and accessories. This is THE place to start if you want to learn Turkish, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.

Get started with Turkish language now! https://bit.ly/2klDxlh

Follow us here:
■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

#Beginners #Vocabulary #Turkish #LearnTurkish #TurkishLanguage #TurkishClass101

Learn Turkish
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Want to start speaking Turkish? And sharpen your listening so you understand every Turkish word and phrase? If you own an Amazon Echo, download the Daily Dose and start learning Turkish with free daily lessons: https://goo.gl/675eEM ↓ Check How Below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/675eEM
Step 2: Download the skill on Amazon
Step 3: Learn with the best online resources and quickly become conversational.

Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service. You can talk to Amazon Alexa on your device. With Alexa, you can ask her to play music, hear the news, check weather, control smart home devices, and yes, you can even learn a language.

To discover more about this Daily Dose skill and how to use it with Amazon Alexa, click here: https://goo.gl/Qgg1BG

Learn Turkish
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Turkish culture with TurkishClass101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Turkish holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Turkey.

In this video, you'll learn all about Labor and Solidarity Day in Turkey and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Turkish vocabulary. Join Zehra for a dose of Turkish culture! Visit us at TurkishClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Turkish audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.turkishclass101.com..../2014/06/13/video-cu


Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

"https://bit.ly/2prQrQZ ← If you’re studying Turkish, chances are you’re looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! Here is your fast track to fluency!
↓ More Details ↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2prQrQZ
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start speaking Turkish with the best online resources

In this video you'll learn 3 reasons why falling in love with a Turkish girlfriend or boyfriend can help you master the language in a fraction of the time of traditional study.

For most people, falling in love with a Turkish girlfriend or boyfriend will dramatically improve their mastery of the language. But the question becomes: How can you possibly attract or even meet a Turkish boyfriend or girlfriend without first learning the language? Don’t worry, with a little help from TurkishClass101, you can learn the top romantic phrases that will help you attract your soul mate.

TurkishClass101 is the best place to get started with the Turkish language as you will get on your way to Turkish fluency fast. We provide you with everything you need to maser the language.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101
■ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TurkishClass101

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

#Learning #Turkish #TurkishClass101 #LearnTurkish "

Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

https://bit.ly/34xrKCu ← Click here to expand your vocabulary now!
↓ More Details ↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/34xrKCu
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Learn with the best online resources and quickly become conversational.

Want to speak and understand more of your target language? You need to know more words.
The more words you know, the better you’re able to express yourself and the closer you are to fluency.
That’s why you get free access to our Audio Dictionary.

What makes this feature so special?
You learn new words easily that all come with tons of example sentences containing those words along with their translations and audio pronunciations.
That way, you learn and understand the words in their natural context. So, take advantage of the Audio Dictionary right now. You’ll find it in the “Resources” section of the website.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101
■ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TurkishClass101

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

#Vocabulary #Turkish #LearnTurkish #TurkishClass101

Learn Turkish
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Finally Get Fluent in Turkish with PERSONALIZED Lessons. Get Your Free Lifetime Account: https://bit.ly/2IgsqBX ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2IgsqBX
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start learning Turkish the fast, fun and easy way!

Save 20% on FULL Access to TurkishClass101 with your YOUTUBE coupon for All subscriptions https://bit.ly/2IjHA9s

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://bit.ly/2IgsqSt

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

https://bit.ly/2W8PxrZ ← Click here to download the App for FREE and learn Turkish anywhere on your mobile device!
(Available for the Android, iPhone, iPad and Kindle Fire.)

All of our lessons, lesson notes, progress tracking and premium tools are available on your smartphone or mobile device. Want to switch from the app to your computer and continue where you left off? You can! Our system is fully integrated!

Here’s what you get with the Innovative Language 101 App:

- New Users – Try It Free: Start your 7-Day Free Trial! 7-Day Free Premium Trial for new users with easy registration sign-up and easy in-app upgrading
- Existing Users – Sign In Now: Convenient Basic and Premium login and profile access for existing TurkishClass101 website users
- Download Manager for Offline Study: Hands down, the easiest way to listen on the go! Download any lesson you have access to with your account and listen offline from your Library
- Upgrade In-App: This is upgrading made easy. In-app purchasing of Basic, Premium and Mobile-only subscriptions available. (Kindle Fire users will be redirected to the TurkishClass101 website to upgrade)
- Full Language Library: New and archived audio and video lesson access covering the Absolute Beginner to Advanced levels
- Innovative Lesson Tools: You get PDF notes, Line-By-Line Transcripts and Vocabulary Lists with audio (Requires active 7-Day Free Trial, Basic or Premium Account). Mobile-only users also have access to these features
- Multiple Playback Options: Stream lessons over or download an entire series to study offline, on your own time
- Fully Integrated Learning System: Your lesson progress is synced between our websites and the App so you never lose momentum
- Personalized Learning: Curate your own learning plan in My Library. You pick and choose the lessons you want to study
- iCloud Sync: Never lose your lesson progress. If you close a lesson, you can return to it and continue where you left off in the lesson with iCloud Syncing. (Not available for the Android App)
- Exclusive Discounted In-App Subscription upgrades for mobile users
- Quick Customer Care: Easily report feedback and errors and contact our friendly customer support team from within the App
- 34 Languages In Total: Want to try another language? This App carries all 34 of our Innovative Language Courses from AfrikaansPod101 to VietnamesePod101.

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101
■ Tumblr: https://TurkishClass101.tumblr.com
■ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/turkishpod101

Click here to download your app: https://bit.ly/2W8PxrZ

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

#Turkish #LearnTurkish #TurkishClass101 #Language

Learn Turkish
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

https://goo.gl/xUjPwp ← If you’re studying Turkish, chances are you’re looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! Here is your fast track to fluency. To get you FREE gifts, check how below ↓

➜ Download your Free gifts of November: https://goo.gl/Dk79c2

➜ Submit a video or audio recording here and get a FREE 3-month Premium Plus subscription: https://goo.gl/h2fS5m

This is your Turkish Monthly Review, in this video not only we will tell you how to train your reading, speaking and writing skills, but you will also discover what are the resources you can get for free on TurkishClass101.com!

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101
■ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/turkishpod101

Click here to get your free gifts: https://goo.gl/Dk79c2

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Turkish
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Finally Get Fluent in Turkish with PERSONALIZED Lessons. Get Your Free Lifetime Account: https://goo.gl/yF3q01 ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/yF3q01
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start learning Turkish the fast, fun and easy way!

In this lesson, we'll show you how to read a service notice at the station.

Finally Get Fluent in Turkish with PERSONALIZED Lessons. Get Your Free Lifetime Account: https://goo.gl/yF3q01

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurkishClass101
■ Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+TurkishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TurkishClass101
■ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/TurkishClass101
■ Tumblr: http://TurkishClass101.tumblr.com

Save 20% on FULL Access to TurkishClass101 with your YOUTUBE coupon for All subscriptions https://goo.gl/a4yxmF

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://goo.gl/4srL4y

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

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