

Learn Hungarian
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungarian.

In this video, you'll learn all about Easter in Hungarian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/02/07/video-cu


Learn Hungarian
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungary.

In this video, you'll learn all about New Year's Day in Hungary and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/01/10/video-cu


Learn Hungarian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


You never really got into cooking until you moved to Hungary. Now that you live here, you seem to be cooking all the time because Hungarian food is so different than what you're used to. This can sometimes be a problem—especially when you don't know the Hungarian how to express what you need. Looks like you not only need to work on how to read recipes in Hungarian, but your Hungarian fluency and vocabulary. In this lesson you'll learn Hungarian recipes for fluency that are sure to help you cook up some great Hungarian conversation!

This Hungarian video series is a brand new way to learn Hungarian. Learn everyday vocabulary and key verbs in this Hungarian video lesson. Read the Hungarian lesson notes to learn about the Hungarian present tense and simple past tense. Join us, and see what you've been missing! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

To find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2011/11/25/learn-wi


Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

This is the best video to get started with Hungarian language https://bit.ly/2xsNSi6 Click here to learn Hungarian twice as fast with FREE PDF! ↓Check how below↓

Step 1: Go to https://bit.ly/2xsNSi6
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Achieve Your Learning Goal and master Hungarian the fast, fun and easy way!

In this video, we will teach you the most common 150 hungarian words that you must know if you're a an absolute beginner. This is THE place to start if you want to learn Hungarian, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.

Get started with Hungarian language now! https://bit.ly/2xsNSi6

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#Hungarian #LearnHungarian #Hungary #HungarianLanguage #HungarianPod101

Learn Hungarian
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Finally Get Fluent in Hungarian with PERSONALIZED Lessons. Get Your Free Lifetime Account: https://goo.gl/b3EkQM ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/b3EkQM
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start learning Hungarian the fast, fun and easy way!

Save 20% on FULL Access to HungarianPod101 with your YOUTUBE coupon for All subscriptions https://goo.gl/3g9aJG

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HungarianPod101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HungarianPod101

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://goo.gl/Dhd5Qz

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn Hungarian with HungarianPod101.com! Today, you are spending a relaxing day on the beach. You have everything you need within reach to make sure you can get through the day with as little actual movement as possible! Suddenly, from across the beach, you hear lifeguards screaming in Hungarian! A tall, good-looking lifeguard runs past you and yells in Hungarian, "Sharks - they are hunting in the shallow water!!" You just sit there though, not sure if his screams are excitement...or warning. You look around the beach and people are running from the water - he MUST be warning! But what? What could be so dangerous on this beautiful beach on this beautiful day? HungarianPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Hungarian!

This Hungarian Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you the Hungarian vocabulary for marine life that you need to both keep you safe AND enjoy some of the most beautiful sights a day on the beach can bring you. In this Hungarian vocabulary video, you will learn Hungarian by watching the video, seeing both Hungarian and Hungarian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Hungarian translations being read aloud by our native Hungarian speakers. Visit us at HungarianPod101.com where you will find many more great Hungarian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

To find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2012/07/20/learn-wi


Learn Hungarian
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungarian.

In this video, you'll learn all about April Fool's Day in Hungarian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/08/01/video-cu


Learn Hungarian
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungarian.

In this video, you'll learn all about 1848 Revolution Day in Hungarian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/02/21/video-cu


Learn Hungarian
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungarian.

In this video, you'll learn all about Mardi Gras in Hungarian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/05/02/video-cu


Learn Hungarian
13 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungarian.

In this video, you'll learn all about St. Martin's Day in Hungarian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/10/10/video-cu


Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn Hungarian with HungarianPod101.com! You are doing some business with your company's main headquarters and you have attended meetings all afternoon. You are supervising how the staff is performing their job at the Hungarian company, and although you are satisfied with how the company is being handled, you still have to figure out what can be improved within the company. You have spoken with many of the company's staff and most of the staff seems very pleased with the way they are treated. You asked each one what their jobs entailed. A secretary you spoke with replied in Hungarian, "Typing and reading e-mails, making phone calls, answering customers' question...you know, the usual stuff." The next person you spoke with answered in Hungarian, "I attend meetings all day!" But they all seem happy...and the work is getting done. Wait...who is that? You ask a man sitting at a desk drinking coffee what he does all day. He replies in Hungarian, "I drink my coffee." Astonished, you ask him why he doesn't do anything else. He replies in Hungarian, "Because I am the boss!" Well, at least you were able to work with your Hungarian skills for a little bit anyway. HungarianPod101.com is the most fun and effective way to learn Hungarian!

This Hungarian Video Vocabulary lesson will teach you important vocabulary you might need on the job. In this Hungarian vocabulary video, you will learn Hungarian by watching the video, seeing both Hungarian and Hungarian translations describing the video, and all while listening to the Hungarian translations being read aloud by our native Hungarian speakers. Visit us at HungarianPod101.com where you will find many more great Hungarian lessons and learning materials! Leave us a message while you are there!

To find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2012/12/14/learn-wi


Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn Hungarian with HungarianPod101.com! Here at HungarianPod101.com, we've discovered the easiest way for you to learn Hungarian vocabulary words. Put us to the test with this video tutorial designed to teach you about something that you can't live without.

In this Hungarian video tutorial, you'll learn the words for all sorts of around town places. The video shows the Hungarian characters for each around town place, and there's a fun self-test at the end to see just how much you learned.

To find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2012/01/27/learn-wi


Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


You've made great efforts to learn Hungarian vocabulary, and now is the time to put it to the test! Your Hungarian host mother is coming to see your apartment, and you want to tell her about your day in Hungarian. You hope this will help convince her you made the right choice moving to the big city. In this lesson you'll learn vocabulary and Hungarian verbs to talk about your daily routine in Hungarian.

This Hungarian video series is a brand new way to learn Hungarian, and will teach you how to express your daily routine with ease. Learn everyday vocabulary and key verbs in this Hungarian video lesson. Read the Hungarian lesson notes to learn about the Hungarian. You've made great efforts to learn Hungarian vocabulary, and now is the time to put it to the test! Your Hungarian host mother is coming to see your apartment, and you want to tell her about your day in Hungarian. You hope this will help convince her you made the right choice moving to the big city. In this lesson you'll learn vocabulary and Hungarian verbs to talk about your daily routine in Hungarian.

To find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2011/07/08/learn-wi


Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Click here to get our FREE App & More Free Lessons at HungarianPod101: http://www.HungarianPod101.com/video

Learn Hungarian with HungarianPod101.com! Do you find yourself missing the nuances in Hungarian conversations? Would you like to understand more of what's happening around you in daily life in Hungary? Then this Hungarian Listening Comprehension for Advanced Learners series is for you! In each lesson of this five-part series, you'll see an image, hear a Hungarian question and dialogue about that image, and have time to answer the question out loud in Hungarian!

In this lesson, you will improve your listening comprehension skills from a Hungarian conversation about an upcoming business meeting. Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find Hungarian lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/05/20/hungaria


Learn Hungarian
18 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Learn 3 ways to say ‘bye’ in Hungarian! https://goo.gl/Eh3LjM Download TONS of FREE PDF lessons to learn Hungarian twice as fast! ↓ Check How Below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/Eh3LjM
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Learn with the best online resources and quickly become conversational.

This is the end of the year! It is this time of the year again. Do you know how to say ‘good bye’ in Hungarian? Today we give you 3 different ways to say ‘bye’!
You will be able to surprise Hungarian native speakers by enriching your vocabulary!

Click here to get started with Hungarian: https://goo.gl/Eh3LjM

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HungarianPod101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HungarianPod101

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Hungarian
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Hungarian culture with  HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungarian.

In this video, you'll learn all about Valentine's Day in Hungarian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/07/18/video-cu


Learn Hungarian
6 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Finally Get Fluent in Hungarian with PERSONALIZED Lessons. Get Your Free Lifetime Account: https://goo.gl/xgyhEx ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/xgyhEx
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start learning Hungarian the fast, fun and easy way!

Save 20% on FULL Access to HungarianPod101 with your YOUTUBE coupon for All subscriptions https://goo.gl/kMDWhx

In this video, you'll learn three different ways to say "I love you" in Hungarian.

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Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://goo.gl/Wjeb8X

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungary.

In this video, you'll learn all about New Year's Day in Hungary and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there!

Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2014/01/24/christma


Learn Hungarian
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Since you've moved to Hungary to study Hungarian, you've worked non-stop! The only time you have to yourself is when you go home in the evening, and this is the perfect time to study Hungarian. Work, study and no time to relax...how unfair is that! But you've figured out a way to do both. You've started to borrow CDs with Hungarian speakers from the library. Now you can study your Hungarian while you're cooking, eating, or taking a bath. This is what you call relaxing in the evening with Hungarian!

This Hungarian video series is a brand new way to learn Hungarian. Learn everyday vocabulary and key verbs in this Hungarian video lesson. Read the Hungarian lesson notes to learn about the Hungarian present tense and simple past tense. Join us, and see what you've been missing! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

To find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com..../2011/07/15/learn-wi


Learn Hungarian
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Finally Get Fluent in Hungarian with PERSONALIZED Lessons. Get Your Free Lifetime Account: https://goo.gl/x4NRst ↓ Check how below ↓

Step 1: Go to https://goo.gl/x4NRst
Step 2: Sign up for a Free Lifetime Account - No money, No credit card required
Step 3: Start learning Hungarian the fast, fun and easy way!

Save 20% on FULL Access to HungarianPod101 with your YOUTUBE coupon for All subscriptions https://goo.gl/oC8LVv

■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HungarianPod101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/HungarianPod101

Click here to find out more about this lesson: https://goo.gl/miYkGE

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!

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