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Making fun paintings ♥ and my vegetable garden
So here's a fun little art vlog from my life. I wanted to share with you something I've been investing a lot of effort and care into and I hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for watching.
P.S. I had this video ready for upload early Wednesday morning, but of COURSE a crucial file was overwritten and I had to redo all my editing and work :( Sorry it's late, I'm working on getting these videos to you on time (soon hopefully twice a week!) but it's hard to predict how the piece and editing process will go. The process can be truly unpredictable. But I just want you to know I'm doing my best to make it easier for you here on my channel. Thank you so much for your patience and support! love you all so much!! ♥♥♥
Art Store: http://lenadanyastore.com
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tumblr: http://lenadanya.tumblr.com