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How to Draw the Upper Back Muscles - Anatomy and Motion
Learn to draw the upper back muscles by understanding the anatomical details and forms. Full drawing lesson at http://proko.com/anatomy
In this drawing lesson, we shift our attention from the lower back to the upper back. We'll cover two very important muscles of the upper back - the trapezius and the rhomboid. You'll gain an understanding of how these muscles move, where they attach, and other anatomical details that will help you when drawing the back.
Anatomy of the Shoulder Bones - https://youtu.be/jKYMCGDFE9U
Pirates! And Lower Back Muscles - Anatomy & Motion: https://youtu.be/ffA1X7Oy9hI
How to Draw Shoulder Muscles - Anatomy & Motion: https://youtu.be/K2XXx6a_Nyw
How to Draw Shoulder Muscles - Form: https://youtu.be/tNDHVSk2h6o
Full Access to Premium Videos - http://www.proko.com/anatomy
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Artist | Instructor | Producer - Stan Prokopenko (http://www.stanprokopenko.com)
Script - Jesse Martel (http://jessemartel.com), Stan Prokopenko
Production Assistance - Sean Ramsey (http://www.peoplewhodrawstuff.com, James O'Shea (jfoshea.blogspot.com)
Editing - Dzmitry Tsydzik (http://white-agency.com), Sean Ramsey, Stan Prokopenko
3D Animation - Jijo Sujathan, Essam Kotb,Stan Prokopenko, Sean Ramsey
3D Modeling - Marc Felico Camacho
3D Rigging - Alexander Lee (www.alexanderleeart.com)
Actors - Melissa Prokopenko, Stan Brokopenko
Voice Actors - Marshall Vandruff
Models - Yoni Baker, Anthony Narsis, Laura Dasi
Bad Drawing - John Birchall
Music Used with Permission
Intro - The Freak Fandango Orchestra
Sound Effects - http://www.freesfx.co.uk
"The Jazz Piano" by Bensound
"Jazzy Frenchy" by Bensound
A Minor Jazz by Brett Van Donsel is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
#DrawingTutorial #HumanAnatomy #ArtSchool