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How to Draw Drake Step by Step (Portrait) Pencil Drawing
You requested it and I listened. This video will teach you how to draw Drake. What's that you say, you failed art class? You have a low frustration tolerance and you have a fear of pencils. No problem! Check out the gallery on my website or my facebook like page and you'll see that thousands of people successfully completed my tutorials. And many had no previous art training. So even if you've had all of your fingers amputated and a nervous twitch, I got you covered. If you can draw shapes, you can successfully draw Drake. So hit the subscribe button, grab your pencil and paper and lets begin.
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Step 1: Make the shape that you see.
Step 2: Make the second shape, notice that it is about the same height as the first shape.
Step 3:Round out the shape for Drake's hair. Notice that it is slightly wider on your right side.
Step 4: Make the two egg shapes.
Step 5: Make the shape that you see, notice that it is the same height as the forehead shape and the hair shape.
Step 6: Make the lines for the nose. Notice the placement of these lines, compared to the egg shapes for the eyes.
Step 7: Drake needs ears. Dont stress out about the minor details. Notice that these shapes line up with the nose shape.
Step 8: Make the bowl shape for the chin. Notice that it is slightly taller than the main shapes above it.
Step 9: Make the neck and the body. Do it fast and save all of your concentration for the proper placement of the face shapes.
Step 10: Add the two shapes for Drake's lips.
Step 11: Add Drakes super thick eyebrows to the tops of the egg shapes from step four.
Step 12: Add the upper eye lines. Notice the shapes that are created in between the eyebrow shapes and the upper eyes. This will help you get the placement correct. Also, as a general rule, there is one eye length in between each eye. This is not the case for Drake. There is slightly more space between the eyes.
Step 13: Make the U shapes for the pupil and iris and close the eye shapes.