
How to Draw and Shade the Human Torso

6 Просмотры· 11/12/19

Shaded drawing of torso anatomy. Get the full demonstration at http://proko.com/anatomy

This demo will teach you how to construct torso anatomy and shade it. It'll also show you what you can accomplish if you stick with learning to draw anatomy.

In the premium anatomy course this demo is over 1 hour long and I go into much more detail explaining each step of the process, guiding you through the concept studies, anatomy construction, and shading the forms. If you liked this demo, you'll definitely like the premium version that is included in the anatomy course at http://www.proko.com/anatomy.

Full Access to Premium Videos - http://www.proko.com/anatomy
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Artist | Instructor | Producer - Stan Prokopenko (http://www.stanprokopenko.com)
Script - Stan Prokopenko
Production Assistance - Sean Ramsey (http://www.peoplewhodrawstuff.com)
Editing - Stan Prokopenko, Sean Ramsey
Model - Anthony Narsis

Music Used with Permission
Intro - The Freak Fandango Orchestra

"Song Without Words in E-Major, Op. 1" by Felix Mendelssohn
"Aquarium" by Camille Saint-Saëns
"Swans" by Camille Saint-Saëns
"Air" by Johann Sebastian Bach

#DrawingDemo #LearnToDraw #ArtisticAnatomy

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