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Growing as an Artist - Steve Huston Interview

3 Views· 11/12/19

In his interview, Steve Huston talks about how to grow as an artist, how to develop a unique style, how to find what calls to you, and much more.

Steve Huston is one of the best artists and teachers of our time. His advice has been helping me figure out how I should approach making art and why I create art in the first place. It’s a mighty 106 minute conversation filled with golden nuggets. Don’t miss this one.
Steve recently published an instructional book on figure drawing. I think it’s a must have for every artist learning how to draw:

Steve's Book: http://amzn.to/2nD2AA4

00:00:33 - Steve's new book
00:00:45 - Going to Art Center*
00:01:21 - Drawing Comics as a Kid
00:02:15 - Illustrating after art school
00:03:36 - Teaching at Art Center*
00:04:21 - Taking over the classes of famous teachers
00:06:28 - Learning paint and color
00:09:00 - How did you learn color?
00:13:28 - Finding your style
00:14:34 - Working after Art Center
00:15:44 - Becoming a better artist
00:19:49 - Growing as an artist through teaching
00:21:20 - Making a finished art piece
00:26:25 - Thinking critically about the art you're making
00:27:58 - Good copying vs bad copying
00:28:59 - Art as philosophy
00:30:26 - Developing an art style
00:33:34 - Creating a truly unique style*
00:46:36 - Drawing and painting better by asking question*
00:53:27 - Steve Huston's inspirations
00:58:39 - What does an artist do if they don't have any good ideas?
01:01:23 - How do artists balance idea and craft?
01:02:55 - Being afraid of drawing something "wrong"*
01:09:58 - The tools for creativity
01:11:40 - What is the purpose of creating art?
01:16:28 - How do you find what calls to you?*
01:27:00 - What was your creative learning schedule like?
01:33:52 - What would you have done differently in your art education?
01:36:16 - Did you study more from life or more from masters?
01:37:48 - Consistency in your artwork
01:39:13 - What do you enjoy more: quick-sketch or longer drawings?
01:41:09 - What medium do you want to learn?
01:42:02 - Any new books coming up?
01:43:18 - Where do you see your art going in the next 10 years?
01:44:44 - Where can we get your book?

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Host - Stan Prokopenko (http://www.stanprokopenko.com)
Artist - Steve Huston (http://www.stevehustonart.com)
Production Assistance - Sean Ramsey (http://www.peoplewhodrawstuff.com)
Editing - Yana Popova, Sean Ramsey, John Birchall, Stan Prokopenko

Music Used with Permission
Intro - The Freak Fandango Orchestra

#SteveHuston #HowToDraw #ArtInterview

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