
AND THE WINNER IS (kazanjianm art contest)

1 Просмотры· 11/12/19
Merrill Kazanjian
Merrill Kazanjian

Facebook- http://facebook.com/kazanjianm
Twitter- http://twitter.com/kazanjianm
Website- http://merrillk.com
(Merrill) Supplies I Use- http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-4....247664-805536?url=ht

Music by Kevin MacLeod- http://incompetech.com Thank you Kevin!

The winner is orangemonkey92! Congratulations to Mr. Serafin Ureno!
About the Contest: (Narration from Video) "You've asked for it, so lets start the new year in a fun way by having an Art Contest! Here is your challenge question: "What did my channel mascot, Little Old Man look like when he was a young man?" To answer this challenge, you can use any media that you want - be creative and have some fun.....etc..... Remember you have over 140 videos to help you with this task on my channel. When I judge the artwork, I will be looking for humor and creativity but your artwork will have to resemble a younger version of Little Old Man. But Merrill, whats the prize? I will make a pencil portrait and a step by step video of the winner so that the world can draw YOU! I will also feature the winning artwork and the winners youtube channel in an upcoming video. Now for the rules so listen carefully. You will need to follow all three of these rules to win. 1.) Post the words "Im in" in the comments section of this video. 2.) You have to be a subscriber to kazanjianm to be entered, so hit the subscribe button in the video if you haven't subscribed yet. 3.) You can post your entries in one of two places. Your first option is to take a video of your entry and post it as a video response to this video. Your second option is to post your entry to my facebook like page- If you do that, make sure to submit your entry with your channel name. Just hit the link in the video description or visit my channel page to get to my facebook like page. The deadline for entries is January 15, 2011! I cant wait to see the artwork and I will respond to every single entry. Happy new year everybody!"

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